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A member registered Aug 01, 2019

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I actually found the page on my own and after giving this game my all as it deserves I desided to look at them and get the last ending and OH BOY I WAS SITTING THERE SHOUTING AND BEING GOOFY FOR 15 MINUTES!!
I was so happy and the ending as amazing! the Hatter endings feel so much more natural than the White Queen's
this game as trully a wonderful experience and I cant stop thinking about itttt
amazing game!

Welp....I loved this game! I have been sitting here for about 9 hours ccording to itch and I just cnt figure out the third ending--
 i tried eveerything and tbh I am exausted

this was the best game I have played and tbh I will keep trying to get the ending after I rest a lil XD

help is much appreciated just saying--

(1 edit)

I was not gona write a comment on this but I have been struggling all day so....
I want to ask...HOW TO GET TO XANTHE' thought I need to complete all the main roughts first or at least Victoria's but I didnt get anything at the first page of the game indicating I finished her rought and I as like "imma just re-install the game" it didnt work and It is kinda..just...driving me crazy for the moment and I guess imma go cool off now because my head hurts...if anybody can hep me out I ould really like that because idk...Xanthe is just something else and I wanna see her ending too ^^ tnx for reading this farhope I didnt waste * minutes of your precious time
have a nice day/evening!

PS: I completed Vicotria's rough with a bad ending and it still got me the friendship bracelts(cant spell)  on the first page and Im freaking out around my room XDDD this game is the best thing I have ever played!)

never agreed with anybody more than I agree with you young pal(you are probably older cause im metnally 5)