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A member registered Dec 20, 2023

Recent community posts

I took the job and quit in a matter of 24 hours lol

Love the atmosphere, great job :)

Sooooooooo... This was mean lol I really wanted to go back in but I guess the tile is correct 

I hope this was the real ending of the game - had a great time <3

I enjoyed this so much, keep up the great work. One of the best games I played this yr <3

Going thro my list of games and so mad I did not get into this sooner, absolutely loved it and would play a longer version of this if made! Great job <3

This is not what I thought was going to happen, pretty good! 

I was not expecting this at all :o

This neighbor is shady... What happened here? 

Had a great time playing this, good job :)

Had so much fun playing the demo... Great job! 

Had a lot of fun with this one, great job :)

I had a birthday party and it was completely interesting to say the least lol great job love this <3

Great game, at first I was confused but had a good time! 
(1 edit)


love this <3 Awesome you guys are also doing a remake on Steam the voice acting and new additions look cool 

Enjoy my cringe role playing in this creepy game, not sure if I got a good ending here... but the kid likes me 🤷‍♀️

Had a lot of fun playing the demo, honestly might do a full gameplay at some point. 

Had a little trouble with the chase scene but overall really great game, love the message as well <3 

Really enjoyed this, love the style and wish it was longer or had a sequel! 

This song is absolutely amazing and I hope to see more games like this <3

Pretty creepy, had fun, wish it was a bit longer. Great job!

it has cozy but creepy vibes which I love, great job! 

Not sure there are multiple endings but this was my playthrough 

Really liked this, wished there was more! 

I cleaned this entire house but I think it is mad at me... 

Nice short little creepy game - great job!

Great demo, really impressed. Not sure if I am woman enough for the full game but might give it a shot <3

I loved this, great job! 

Cool game, I enjoyed the winding machinic for the flash light. Deff made it more spooky and nerve racking. Biggest struggle was the forward only control bc sometimes you end up going not the way you want but I guess that brings the challenge. Interested to see what you do next! <

Had a good time with this one, love DMC :)

Really great game, 👍❤

Love the twist on this Mario inspired game, great job :)
(1 edit)

Really great game, loved that you allowed controller. Got all endings! Cannot wait to see what you do next :) 

First time playing and will deff play again, I can see this being addictive to beat the clown. Good job!

First time Fungal...

Really cool style, just wish the demo let me have a gun I was crying for this poor cop lol but great job! I am sure the full game is awesome 

First time playing... 

Really interesting story, liked the style and how it was made just wish it was a bit longer but really good job!

Feels like I am in the RE Spencer Mansion but it turns out to be an apartment... Really good jump scares <3