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A member registered Aug 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello! You didn't do anything wrong, this is still a WIP.

Silly game with an impressive amount of polish! Your choice of audio got me laughing a few times, and the road side props were a nice touch (pretty sure I saw a UFO). The mechanics are tricky but after a few attempts I got the hang of it. A possible bug I noticed is that the rear-view mirror is flipped, so if a car is coming up on my left it will appear to be on my right in the rear view mirror.

Great job!

Very pretty game! Hard too!

Fun concept, great visuals! The first time The window flipped I though I'd broken something haha.

That thumbnail did not prepare me for the kind of game I'd be playing lol. It's a nice silly bullet hell. I enjoyed my time with it :)

nice little puzzle game, I liked how calm it was. Don't think I'd have been able to solve it without the hint you put in your game description.

Looks amazing, I love the idea, good job!

The concept is very fun! It took a little while for me to realize that I could re-size my windows but once I figured that out it started to pick up for me. great job!

(1 edit)

Cool use of limitation! I'm glad there are check points in this game because I died a lot. One thing I notice is that when you start a game from the "continue" button you'll start at your last check point but all the doors will be locked again. Very fun and creative game :)