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A member registered Dec 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I’m glad you liked the game, the sequel is already being developed, the basic mechanics have already been implemented. In the next game the art will be much better than in this one, in the last few months I have been trying to improve my drawing skills, and I want to say that I was in a hurry with the development of my first game, the art in it was not of the best quality, now I am doing much better. I'll try to implement this in my next game, I hope you like it as much.

The inscription on the sign: "Thanks for playing. Cordy was glad to see you here. this is the end."

how nice that you are interested, okay, I'll tell you a little about this game. This will be a platformer in which you will need to explore levels and items while being careful of monsters. The game will have two playable characters, Boy and girl. For now I'm finishing up adding the basic mechanics, then I'll make a tutorial level and post the gameplay of this level on YouTube

It's okay, you speak beautifully. I am very glad that you liked my game and my style) Thank you. at the moment I am working on creating another game, soon I plan to create a youtube channel, where I will post the development processes. And thanks again for the feedback, I am very pleased to read such comments, it inspires and motivates ;)

A short but cool game, you did well!

Спасибо за отзыв, да, с анатомией у меня есть проблемы... постараюсь чтоб в будущем их не было. Я планирую продолжать делать игры такого формата, у меня уже есть идея для следующей игры, но она не до конца продумана. Следующая игра будет более длинной и качественной, надеюсь не разочарую :)

Thank you! This is my first experience in creating such games, I plan to continue making such games, only longer and better. Perhaps this will be the second part of this game, or maybe something new, I already have several ideas.
and thank you again for the feedback!

Рад что вам понравилась моя игра, ваши комментарии мотивируют и вдохновляют меня на создание чего то нового и более интересного, спасибо за игру, Корди любит тебя

Yes, you need to press the buttons in the correct sequence

(1 edit)

Спасибо за отзыв! Мне очень приятно что вам понравилась моя игра, в будущем я планирую выпускать более качественные игры подобного жанра, мужской персонаж так же будет. Корди любит тебя!

Thank you! Glad you liked my game, Kordi loves you!