You need to destroy a oponent ship by shooting it (left player controls AWSD | SPACE, Right Player controls are Arrows keys and Enter to shot) Its 2 player game like battleship on paper. Winner is person who destroys 5 oponent ships. *You can play with your friend or gilfriend.
Indapu i wanted to participate to this g-jam, not ment to finish the game i made it in my free time something about to 4/5 hours, because lot of things was disturbing. we also choose in that day major of my town, so i need to go to elections... thanks a lot for your replay to my game. Cheers.
Yes i will update it when the GameJam ends [voting] and i will do more control options like keyboard, gamepad, and mouse (with sensitivity control). I don't have a lot of time because the day work, but when i will have some more free time i will do it.