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A member registered Jun 01, 2021

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Weird thought came to mind but, I can envision this VN to be a fleshed-out game to that of Dynasty Warriors. Having to fend off hoards of Monsters to protect your home and allies, relying not only on your mana vision to look for weak spots and openings but also on your friends to unleash powerful attacks to gain the upper hand in battle. Strengthen your bond with your friends by engaging with them both inside and outside the battlefield. Doing this not only reinforces one's attacks and combo potential but also allows the protagonist to share more intimate and sentimental values.  Of course, the game would be story first gameplay second, but the way you incorporated mana into your story undoubtedly has potential. 

I take it, Day 7 bath scene and Day 2 Walter's stress reliever was nothing more than a striptease?馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

We never did find Parker on that day :(

(1 edit)

Though it would be nice to see the developer consider reaching out to you privately about this, I'd like to step back and think about this from a Marketing Perspective. To but it bluntly, I see this as away to self-promote your Novel while leaving a small review of "Novel is bad because of this." No lie, I too was put down by the novel, because it's art style but I decided to power through giving it a chance. I came to the idea of adoring all the new characters I met, especially Vul and his growth towards the Main Character (even if it's not as close as Ranok). I still hope the developer can reach out to you about getting unblock, as I would most definitely find the situation confusing but mainly frustrating when there's no communication.