Great! Does the actual game already work with that feature or will you need to turn it on too?
A member registered Apr 19, 2020
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Hunky City- Love as you go comments · Replied to TeraGraviton in Hunky City- Love as you go comments
I used to be so excited for this game, but years of ghosting and silence by the developer has me thinking this is a scam or an attempt to bait-n-switch people. It's sad to see how badly this developer has treated supporters of this game. Did they ever fulfill their promises to their Kickstarter supporters from over 3 years ago?
🎮ELGM 0.07 [Update SOON!] community · Created a new topic Please please please make this compatible for Macs
UPDATED. Allowing cookies is a must to get it to run. It's very slow, but it seems to run with cookies on google chrome on Mac.
The browser version doesn't work. It lags terribly and then gets all buggy and stops working after only a couple screens. It's completely unplayable. I'd like a refund please!
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