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A member registered Apr 10, 2021

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btw , I just downloaded the new Rework , it's quite noticably better! I also found another typo when Maria said "I have tp clear some important things!" and theres also a /n when she said "/nbut you are allowed to stay if you want" 

keep up the good work :)

I'd love some jazz or blues in the bar. I also can't wait to hear your self made music. You could also use some classical pieces that are in the public domain for some other scenes.

Btw I don't mind posting the Errors here , I don't really use discord much. 

I think I found another typo when Tom entered the bar. Tom said "Oh Autumn , what are you doig here". Btw Autumn isn't the name I used for my MC but Tom somehow said Autumn.

I enjoyed it , as a digital artist I do want to say some things tho . First off , Tom's name is in dark-ish blue which is not really contrasting to the black text background making it hard to see and I also think some parts like the bath scene , the colours are a bit too saturated and contrasted  .But overall I like it , can't wait to see what's coming in the future. 

BTW I use Android and the app crashed a couple of times . Don't know why tho. but thank God auto save exists.

I found I typo when MC goes back to the bar , you misspelled 'think' as ''thin'

I wish I had a dad like Glenn