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A member registered Jul 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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My only issue is the fact that the vessels stand out a little bit too much. Are we not supposed to be camp counselors? So we are expected to wear the camp's uniform, yes? Now, in regards to the issue of skin and hair color, we can go for shades of gray and white to leave it to the player to decide. Maybe give the nonbinary vessel a low ponytail?

Um, I can purchase the DLC;; The page does not let me;;

Welcome, Bomb. ^^

I now know, and I can see the red flags (Hehe, because he is red... I will stop now...) but I can not help but love Damon so much, he is just so cute and adorable.

Hi, sorry if this question is quite overdue, I am sure it has been asked before, but, is there a way to still listen to this double audio bundle? Is it a Patreon exclusive or it needs to be bought separately? I am asking since it is not on the list of downloads.

Again, sorry for the disturbance.

Thank you so much! Yet I feel still embarrassed from doing so.  Also, to inform you, there is still a bug, again involving Tarius quest event, when I talk to any female that was involved in the event, it automatically takes you to Tarius' dialogue event. So it is not possible to buy or get anything from the girl desire that is in the Letter Association. Also, also... the bug concerning Lanch room... is still happening. I had to set his relationship points to 0 so it will stop. 

Great! Can I still use the save file from the update? Or do I need to make a new one? Sorry for asking too many questions.

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Enjoying the update so far! Unfortunately it came with bugs from previous updates. Like Lanch becoming a statue, in other words, he does not move or respond at all and the fact that I was not able to go into another desire's room because it will automatically take me to his??? Another thing to add is that Tairus first heart event(?) has completely blocked my game progession, I can no longer talk to Dandee and take more quest because the dialogue takes you back to the event where you are helping Tairus find a human wife. 

Already bought it! Is it supposed to look like a piece of sheet of paper?

It is February 7! I am excited and ready!

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The game was sweet and short. With slight heavy content but never crossing the line. And can I say that your art style is very cute? I like it a whole lot.I was confused why Will's bad ending image(1) does not get saved in the gallery, but that is fine.

Either way, you did wonderful. Keep up the good work.

Edit:Say, would it be alright for you if I make a side story based of Will's first bad ending?

I still love the game, but I am curious... would it be possible to see the old art style somewhere? I really miss it. Perhaps is because I got used to it.

I know it is still on the making and there ius more to come. Even with better things but I will still comment on what I have enjoyed so far.

The writing is simply amazing and it makes me really happy that the MC/Y/N is very relatable in both Sun and Moon. The only thing that stings slightly is how in one of the CGs we are able to see "our" hand. A very light skin color- which sort of affects the self insert feeling(?). But that is just me being silly and picky.

I already finished Akira's/Ren's route and Oh my God, you got his character to the T. He is just how I always image. Dependable, trustworthy, flirty, a tease and most importantly... and adorable dork. Both happy endings made me feel so much, especially the first good ending(or was it the second??).

Spoiler warining up ahead!












I swear, I can not be the only one that felt that subtle fourth wall break when that alternative universe happened. Because, in reality, we do not exist. In the Persona world, I mean. And it stings. And it is thanks to this fan game that we are able to be part of the experience. For as many times as we want. And Akira/Ren, surely needs that comfort in his life. I wonder if Atlus would ever give us that blessing chance-

Either way, the visual novel is so great so far and as I said at the beginning, it will turn even better and I am can wait for what you guys have in storage for everyone that is an avid fan of the franchise. We wish you nothing but the best of luck and hopefully we will be able to land you a hand if you need it.

PS: I did not go for Akira's/Ren's bad ending because I can not bring myself to do it. My poor heart can stand so much. So... I would not mind if anyone decides to spoil me on that. I would appreciate it a lot. Please and thank you.

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For a moment I thought I reached the end of the whole game but then I was like: "That is not possible. It feels too soon." Then I remember there are two more chapters left. So, anticipating on discovering the true ending. The chapter was amazing by the way, I feel mixed emotions towards Vincent, though. His humanity was literally ripped out from him and I understand where he is coming from, but... the path he is choosing is a bottomless pit. Hopefully he will get the help he really needs.

Thankfully I was alone since I was a blushing mess playing this game. I do really appreciate that you took the time to create this wonderful game. The asthetic is beautiful and Chat Noir... Charming and handsome as always (as well as playful). Hoping to see more of the game or your future projects.

its cool the game but is very stressfull for me lol

yea lol

I just played the game and is fantastic. I absolutely love the new changes in the game. Looking forward for what it is to come.

PS: Out of curiosity, is there a way to get five stars right about now in this demo? Asking since I only got three and a half when Akira asked more about the MC.

Wait, I'm confused. So despite that I play as a female, I still can get the endings?

Love and enjoy the game. (Perhaps too much since I didn't slept because I was trying to get all the endings-) One thing though, would there be a chance to meet Norway and Iceland?

Dios, I love him so much. 

Wow, this looks awesome

One more day! So excited^^

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This is really well made, it does indeed feel like the actual game. I do hope to see more of this project in the future.

Sidenote: I hope you do not burn yourself while working on it.

I wish I could apply for the artist but I only draw on my sketch book;

First, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to play, enjoy and love this game. Second, I am going to screenshot and save this, he is gorgeous.☆ Third... wow... oof, Eros' arrow hit the bullseye the moment I laid eyes on Cove, and here I thought I couldn't fall for him more.♡

So far from what I have seen from the demo, is amazing, very heart warming and enjoyable. I hope I can get to play the new game once it is out.

First, I want to let know that the game is really nice but unfortunately I barely enjoyed it since it keeps closing on me after the introduction.