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A member registered Jun 05, 2020

Recent community posts

Hey Ranli are there any other download options? Mega doesn't let me download directly...

Are you only in Itchio or also in other places? can I only buy the game in Patreon?

Wait you can fudge the father? really? XD

Also is there a Taylor route? and is the Jeffrey route over if you go to your mother?

Ranli, sorry to keep bothering you but I can't DM you in twitter for some reason Dx

Soo slight problem seems like I can't DM you  in twitter so Im gonna follow you and tweet you a message and then you tell me what to do xD

Got it and thanks for being patient, I recently got back my twitter let me send u a message and again I´m so sorry for the delay

Hey Ranli are you there!  Sorry for the delay, the last couple of months were... rough, the first chapter is ready, all 4076 lines I honestly can't express how much respect I have for you right now... tell me how do I send it to you please...

All right, tell me later how to send you my progress, sorry for the dely but I've been having some personal problems lately, I apologize for the inconvenience 

Not as soon as I hoped... Discord refuses to unlock my account... can't do much about it and dont have a phone to unblock it... is there any other way of communication? should I just contact you through here?

Got it, umm just give me a day or so because Discord blocked my new account out of nowhere xD also thank you Ill contact you ASAP

Hey Ran! Im the guy whos helping you with a translation (if you still want to of course)  Ive been trying to contact you for a couple of weeks and thought you out right blocked me then I realized you disappeared xD, is there any other way to contact you?

woot? so many were there as many for Sam? xD

Wait, multiple routes? what routes?

All right Ill contact you there to talk to you about this xp

oh I can speak spanish and Italian  if it helps I would love to help too

(1 edit)

Wow, I'm speechless, this game has better writing and characters than many AAA games I've played, Anya your writing is amazing and the world is very interesting, can't wait for chapter five!

I'm so excited for the next update! hope to see it soon! I was expecting a typical straight game full of forced straight options, but I was pleasantly surprised! Amazing game it's like Mass effect but sexy :P

I mean my pet raptor

Can you lower the dominance of the Raptor? :v

This is probably a frequently asked question so...

are there any consequences for flirting with many people? I can't help it if the 100% of the people in this game are hot, cute guys are my weakness