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A member registered Oct 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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that's because you start at throttle 0, hold the up arrow button on your computer to increase the throttle

wait I just found it, turns out it wasn't in the frame in either full screen or normal mode but i saw some scroll bars and found it, sorry for the cunfusion.

thanks, it really looks cool and looks like an awesome game, and from the pictures, I can see you really worked hard on it, good job.

(1 edit)

yo did you know you can bomb the sheep and cows!

i cant start it, it just has the music and a frame of a cat and dog, no mater what i press or click it won't star

im stuck on some levels , the one im really stuck on it the one called "to far" if you can i would really like some help

I keep trying to find it and i only found it once by acsedent

press z

the controls are z x a w s d

awsome game, I've been looking for good shooter games like this one and this is the best one I've found that works on my Chromebook

my Chromebook is too laggy to play it, instead on a beautiful landscape, all i see is a black and white cube and nothing else, other than the fact that I cant actually play it, it's a great game 10/10

and if you put the rock under the seesaw then put the bomb under the other side of the seesaw then the seesaw will catapult the rock across the map


1. the soccer ball is the only object that you can knock people over with while you hold it so you can have fun with that

2.if you jump off the world while holding the soccer ball under you, it will disappear and can fall wherever you want it to by pointing somewhere while holding the invisible ball and letting so and it will fall out of the sky

Thanks, sorry id my comments are annoying btw

is it going to be kind of like this game, a sandbox game that has no achievements that is fun to just play with? Also, did you like any of my ideas?

who knows, maybe captansause will use it for 3 random games

That would be cool, but keep it at least a bit stupid, that is what makes it funny

If you don't really like that idea, I have a bit more

1. make the map a bit bigger (like a meter on all sides)

2. (workes better if you also do 1) add a small house with a little fireplace this if you put people in, they pop out the chimney

3. add little secrets, like a small room under the map that people would accidentally go in when they fall off the edge if they are lucky.

4. add a dog

(1 edit)

are you going to update this game, you don't have to but I really like it and it would be cool if you added a ragdoll for the player so he (or she) could fall over if you press q or something

thanks dud



It wont let me past the part after we retern to earth

whats the code for the DONT DO IT pad

there is a glitch where every move you make it says its illegal  

its fine dude

it wont let me press start