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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game is pretty fun, it could use some more variety, but other than that, it's pretty good.

for some reason,  if you beet the boss that shows up if you have too many pearls before the fight begins  (via birds) the font for after the battle doesn't reset.

I think that there may need to be a way to make sure that unwinnable  scenarios like this don't happen  (I had 3 dice at the start of the battle)

I think you might be able to DMCA/Sue SpaceFareGames

How did you beat them?

I noticed that the code injection that replaces blown up tiles is very buggy, especially when paired with the one that makes every 20th pip activated a bomb pip.

Pretty fun game.

I wouldn't mind at all.

I created this varient and it is pretty fun: Mega Cash |More cash,harder scaling. |3:5_7:1_9:0_12:20|||0:False:0:False|d:5

Why not just add a button that shows your best normal run?

Fun game, one question though, was this game inspired by superhot at all?

Is the demon boss a puzzle, do you just need to deal enough damage?

hey great game,  there is one bug (at least I think it's a bug) where having the lighter fluid card in your hand causes it to activate whenever fire is applied to an enemy.

For some reason, the game crashes when ever I enter a battle.

Is it just me,  or does the banner image make this look like a horror game?

This game is really fun, you should release a physical version.

Was this at all also inspired by dungeons and degenerate gamblers?

It is impossible to play on mobile, because you can't skip the name input screen

Will you turn this into a full game?

It also reminds me of inscryption.

great game so far but one nitpick: at trinkets,  there should be a way to choose your trinket, so you can create posable synergies. 

thanks for the feedback. I was going to add more enemies,  but I ran out of time. 

For the different weapons part, making an enemey larger causes it to shoot more bullets, but it causes you to get more points. Shrinking an enemy to death causes it to shoot less bullets, but you get less points. Lastly, useing the giant laser gives you huge amounts of points, but you need to charge it up.

Cool Idea, but incredibly repetitive.

you uploaded the web version wrong

I am pretty sure that the developers said they learned about it from the people who told them that they looked similar, also the game No Straight Roads is more likely to have inspired this because it is a  3D platformer, with Rythem game elements (IE bosses attacking with the music)

Was this game at all inspired by the game 'No Straight Roads'?


When will the full game release

Will there ever be a release for consoles?

(1 edit)

I have a few ideas for things that you could add in an update: 

  • Multi-select for moving items 
  • Heavy/ light items not moving until you finish moving the item you are currently moving 
  • Heavy/ light objects "displacing" items that are in its way
  • Demo avaliable on consoles


Point your arows down so that they deal more damage

Does the herb do anything

There could also be more/ stronger enemies

Great game and great idea! Is there ever going to be a full game and if so when

(2 edits)

I cant wait for the full release (and hopefully

console ports). One suggestion though. You should be able to go back to previous iterations without pauseing