Rozze might be the worst excuse of a game I have ever played. This game does not respect your time in the slightest.
The 'coin toss' system completely misses the balance of the game its derived from. Every single move in a fight is down to a 50/50. If you get unlucky you'll die to a random enemy because you havent guessed well 4 times in a row. This wouldnt be the worst if the game didnt actively punish you for dying. Lowering you max hp, increasing enemy HP and making more obstacles appear after a certain amount of deaths.
This game does NOT want you to play it in the slightest, you'll be forced into a lot of encounters due to its claustrophobic design and no option to avoid a fight. All you get is a 5 time use get out of jail free card with your gun, but remember, you get 5. No more no less. So if you happen to need to use it 6 times, too bad! You have to HOPE you get lucky.
The bandit is the most hatable protagonist imaginable in the worst way you can think. He's got little to no redeeming qualities about him yet I guess we're supposed to aww at some of the good in him we see when do something nice for a little girl once. This brings me to the worst part, the story. I really have no idea what is meant to be the message of this game. Aside from the obviously copied scenes from Disco Elysium there were rarely any interesting things about the story in the slightest. The timeloop barely plays into the gameplay unless you keep dying and get actively punished for it. The whole plot feels so insignificant too. Nothing that happens really matters at all. Vermiculus killed the mayor? Barely anyone cares. Oh no! the little boy ran off into the dungeon! Oh you saved him and everything is back to normal now. Oh no! This guy from the dungeon broke out and is threatening the little girl! Oh you shot him already and the whole conflict is already over. Barely anything at all has any impact on the story aside from the two times you reach the bottom of the dungeon. Unless you want to see what happens if you lock yourself out of the real ending! Which, if you havent made unique saves for every single moment, you'll have to replay the entire game for.
That dude that breaks out of the dungeon I mentioned? You'll need two of those bullets from those five you get to beat him. The other significant person to save has a single line that mentions what you'll need offhandedly, if you've forgotten what item she wanted or skimmed the line, she doesnt repeat it. Tough luck! Better reload a save to try and talk to her!
The worst part is this feels like invading someones diary, in a bad way. Half of the things I've read in the Author discussion felt like they were never meant to reach my eyes. I feel like there needs to be someone to help Red step on the brakes with oversharing personal struggles within the games. I felt like I was invading on a private conversation when reading that exchange.
Even at 2 dollars, I really cant recommend this game. Its a massive waste of time as a video game that needed way more time and second opinions to come out as anything worthwhile. Maybe it'd work more as a book, but even that is being generous.
Buy a bag of chips for that money, it'll be more enjoyable than this.
A member registered Apr 08, 2018 · View creator page →
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