this was definitely not the way i thought this story would go!! not me thinking nothing of the warnings LOL!!! it was definitely an uncomfortable experience and i loved it <3 niall's love was kinda child-like? pure but VERY unhappy when not getting his way. so it's a corrupted kind of love. like a parasite.
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i definitely get it!!! i especially love concept art a lot! ahh it's just so cool to see a game be made. oh! and patch notes from games can be neat (and funny) too. you can learn about little things that you'd never think about. seeing how something small can break a whole game! that's so interesting! (although probably frustrating for the dev!!) but yes, i don't want to derail your game comments LOL
i'm excited for you!!! it'll be fun seeing what you come up with ^ -^ i would love to join a jam/make a fun little game one day myself!
of course! it's a perfect little pixel horror game ^ -^
i thought it was a great scare and everything worked really well! i didn't find it jarring or anything of the sort. it's interesting hearing the behind the scenes of games like these.
oooh i'll keep a look out for more of your work!!! i hope the jam goes well (if you end up gettin' something up!) and i'm excited to see what you come up with in future projects :)c
i really enjoyed this game. as someone with anxiety/depression there's a lot here that hit home. the way the monster would talk to you during conversations and change your perception of how you saw people and how you thought people saw you. the way it could be so easy to just give in to his love, you know? i love the 3rd ending. sometimes you have to fight, you have to claw and kick at these demons. you have to get up and open your blinds.