BUG: we both walked into Rancid Cabin and the door shut behind us. we needed a key to open the door but nothing was found in the room so we were stuck and had to restart.
A member registered Mar 03, 2020
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The Riddle Of Delilah's Homecoming comments · Replied to Vinícius Pires in The Riddle Of Delilah's Homecoming comments
interesting and fun game, but with some frequent game-breaking bugs. items often get stuck in the inventory, becoming unusable and wasting space (ESPECIALLY the axe.) another bug being that armor will not attach to the hero, it just falls to the floor. i got a game over screen because i had no armor even though i was trying to place a helmet on him for the past 10 seconds to no avail. again, could be an addicting game, but the bugs unfortunately ruin it for me.