Yeah, figured it out the other day, the export just did not save properly. My bad for not coming back and stating that.
Recent community posts
like I have stated, I am nowhere near an expert, so I could be doing it wrong, but new code is needed for everything you do. Every scene, the dialog, music or sfx. The coding gods laugh at me every time I forget a bracket, symbol, or even a space.
You are correct about criticism being a good thing, if it is done properly. It can inspire change, or point out flaws that can be corrected. I am a breakfast cook, and I have received more ignorant criticism than correct criticism. I say this to make a point that it becomes hard to filter through to bs to find the good stuff. On the other end, it makes the real criticism so much better when you find it.
I do get the point as well, but it falls on the subscribers to decide what to do. It was like when dc universe first came out. They had titans and doo patrol, and not much else, although the animated series were nice, I had seen the all too many times. I chose to keep the subscription for a year between releases. I personally know someone who cut it off and turned it back on when the new episodes came out , his choice. Neither of us were right or wrong, and universe was not altered,it did not speed up or slow down production. Unfortunately these things take time.
One lesson I am learning is one mistake in the scripting can screw you up for weeks, once you finally realize you made it. I am hating scripting with every fiber of my being at this point. I know it is due to my very slow learning curve, but it has given me a new respect for the devs, specially when a but is discovered in a release, and they fix it in a few days. To me, that is amazing. Ok so I am a 60 year old dev fanboy... lol.
As someone who is learning, and attempting to do his first novel, i have learned tht it is truly amazing the work these devs do. this shit is hard, and time consuming. I am at minimal ability with the art and scripting, so look at even the bad games in awe, specially if it is a single dev. Yes, I wish they could go faster, and put out more chapters, but have realized, in most cases, it is not possible. These people putting these things out rock, so as bad as waiting is, it is usually worth it.
In the older version of the game, were you able to go to the mountain at this point in chapter 3? I seem to remember doing so, but as I reinstalled the game, and am paying it as new, I am either stuck, or remembering incorrectly. I also f33l like I dealt with (and failed miserably) lomeg. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, if I have missed things. Also, on a side note, is there a way to get a kana action figure, plushie, or both?
I was playing with it a bit earlier, and i turned off battery save, and decreased the text size. Did it at the same time, so I do not know which was the fix, but it is working now. This is one of my favorite games, got excited when I saw the update, but my saves got corrupted on my SD card, so had to restart the game. Looking forward to playing it through again.
I resigned myself to no more stranded, cleaned everything out of my tablet, and said goodbye. But no, the crazy redheads haunted me, beckoned to me, sang me their siren's song. I tried to resist, then the enlisted sasha, and I had to get the game again. With that said, although I will not mind playing it over, is there a day 1-17 save that is downloadable? I know I missed a few hidden pics in my now deleted/erased saves of my last game, but I am impatient to see day 18. Thanks. Yes Wildman, your crazy redheads got me to patrion. Well, them and sasha
I am seeing another game get hammered now, but on patreon. I think I picked the wrong time to start creating a game myself. Why can't people let others enjoy legal adult fun? This game was awesome, and itch screwed that by changing policy. The game on patreon is getting kicked because you can have kids, and because of the 18+ nature, I guess kids can't be in those games now. I am not sure of the full details, but that is the gist of it. And to be fair, the dev here did offer to aid me in getting an android update, but it would have been a hassle for both of us, so I declined.
I have not tried that, will have to check it out. I have been trying to do 3d, hence the daz, but as long as it can look good, I am open to anything. During 2020 lockdown, I discovered vns, and realized there is a ton of talent out there. I tend to hang on the more adult ones, as far as some of them that have inspired me? Eternum, ripples, wartribe academy, crimson high, trouble in paradise, companions of darkness and many more. I like the 3d, but the more animated ones are cool too. I cannot draw, so have not attempted the more animated looking 2d ones.
so I have kind of created basic characters using daz, but they do not seem to look as good as other game characters. I know I am not great, but I want to put out something visually pleasing. I've tried blender, and learned I cannot sculpt to save my life. I am hoping someone can suggest something I could use that would be easy like daz, but might look better, specially in the nsfw style. thank you for your time.
Oh, I also need to make a four armed, three legged drummer in something. Daz does not seen to like adding appendages.
Scrolled back over a year, and didn't see it, but i thought the tournament had been included. I think that was the reason for the download format change, and i had to stop playing. I have not found it in this current version, other than beating the red and blue dragon. Am I missing something, or did it never happen?