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Domnul Vitalie

A member registered Jan 19, 2023

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Domnul Vitalie, cunoscutul critic, back at it again. Astazi avem la atenita noastra un joc care pare initial simplu la suprafata, dar, defapt, incearca sa transmita o idee foarte nevorbita despre societatea de astazi, si anume cum uneori, cand ne aflam in situatii grave trebuie sa profitam de altii ca sa supravietuim. In acest joc minunat, pisica este nevoita sa pescuiasca pentru ca ii este foame, ea are dreptul la viata deci decide sa supravietuiasca, dar ca sa poata manca, ea trebuie sa pescuiasca pesti nevinoati de vreo crima care ar merita moartea, astfel nu stim cui sa-i acordam dreptatea. Acest joc m-a pus pe mine ca critic, dar si ca om, pe grele ganduri de care nu voi scapa nici dupa completarea acestui comentariu. Recomand acest joc tuturor si pentru premiul de "Best Indie Game" editia 2024. 11/10

I have returned to look upon the next AAA games, this one for example is a new garbage disposal exclusive, I recommend it to all internet explorers users and hope you will like it as much as I did.

As a distinguished critic I must say this small game has been a pleasant surprise.
The story is very detailed, and the language used really gives the feel of an actual novel. So far, the choices you make don't seem to have that great of an impact, you either do something or don't, I really hope the developers expand on this as they go forward.