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Don of many Faces

A member registered Oct 28, 2024

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just curious, Mr Angel (sorry if you are a "Mrs"), but why? why do you side with this jerk of a spit stain?

yipeeeeee, I can finally get it on steam (sort of 😅)

check your Wi-Fi connection


so you can flare, jazz, and pizazz your debates. And in general, makes it harder for some people (cough, cough, Camndycorn, cough) to make fun of you. I ain't yo enemy, dude

from the south, down where the gators and the bull sharks play

I'll tell you what's a joke, playing a game called "Beary the Hatchet", What in the name of Master Chief is THAT name?? and the lore, absolutely overdone "oh no, it's 1990 and I killed some one, whoopsie!", and you play as a furry?! HAHH!! GET A LOAD OF THIS LOSER!! 🤣🤣

so, the way I see it, you can let us folk on this side of enjoy our cutesy version of "Space Odyssey" without you whiny ass emo furries crying about the cool concept of AI, and we'll leave you to your Cringy ass murder-mystery-voodoo-romance. Sound like a deal you can get behind? (that's rhetorical, you don't get a say). Good, alright, meeting adjourned!

I may not be an old sack of honkey-tonk donkey crud, but I'm mature enough to know: you're words are equivalent to the dirt my treads be shredding 

blud, you ain't even on my level, I'm forklift sertified, so go take a skinny dip down in the sewer with the (again, let's stay family friendly) crud

mr cool, as much as I agree, the way you said it just feels... bland. Not trying to be offensive, just giving ya some arsenal to deal with the... lets say, "fudge brained" (keep it family friendly) people of the world, when you truly want them to eat their words for brunch, lunch, and the occasional midnight-snack, you gotta add flare (que little fireworks). Here are some easy (and fun) tips, tricks, and wows to do just that:

1.) fix-yo-grammar: (again, I don't mean this in any offensive way, just trying to help) if anything, you gotta add commas, they can help separate one idea from the next, ex: "let's eat kids" compared to "let's eat, kids" (commas save lives). after that, work on fitting in periods, exclamation points, and exedra

2.) pick-a-personality: now, what I mean by "personality", I mean lore, like "what are your actions?" or "what is your accent?", create an external appearance of someone that you WANT to be. for example: someone makes fun of my Templar costume, wrong: "well you're just a bully and if you don't have something nice to say don't say it" (it's boring, it's bland, it doesn't match your ascetic). right: "by the pope, that is such a barbaric thing to utter, God wills it that you still thine swollen tongue before it falls off from exhaustion." (it's exciting, it's fancy, it sounds exactly like what a Templar would say.)

3.) Strike-back: sometimes (albeit, most times depending on your personality) you got to retaliate, bully them back so they get a taste of their own product. as a wise man once told me "If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Sun Tzu said that!" -Jane Doe

anyway, hope this gives you the upper hand on any debate, banter, and straight up trash talk, just always remember: don't let nobody slap you in the face and walk away, but don't let that slap effect how you be actin. I tip my hat to you and hope you learn to walk the right-walk, and talk the good-talk. 🎩👌

-Don #3

imagine being so bored out of your socks that you go and complain about a game that you don't play, man, I tell you hhhhwhat, (with a good ol' slap to your shoulder) that would be a laughing stock 😂, thanks for the chuckle, brother.

no problem, I'll be sure to tell Don #42 that you said thank you 👍

heyo, alterstaff, I got another idea, what if you make another lady who's a mermaid or siren that wants to be with you, kind of like an overly attached version of Ariel. And to top that, whenever you decide to do male AI, you could add a Pirate captain that treats you like his treasure, to balance her. Again, just throwing darts in the dark.

that's what I meant, sorry not wording it right😅 (and Eddie: please put down the knife, because 1.) that's your parent you're threatening, and 2.) nothing could ever replace you.😁👍*insert nervous chuckle*)

Don-810: hey, Scar, here that? more demons to blast *pumps shotgun*

Jeff-649: sweet!! thanks for the update, Apocalypse. Aright! squad Fallout, Rock on and Roll out!! *lights ignition on Gungoose, revving before rolling out of hanger with a wheely*

(oops, I made a typo, I meant "Long lost" not "lost long", sorry😅)

I would like to share a suggestion. I believe it would expand your audience if you add male counterparts to the already loveable ladies, for example: in the modern setting like Eddie, have your average, overly attached, emo boyfriend (or lack of emo, just a suggestion) or in place of Elysia, have an overly protective knight who believes that you are the lost long princess, and in place of Estella, have an alien who wishes to study you and learn how to love you. granted, these are only suggestions, but I do hope you consider

Mr Lostpine, (correct me if you are a "Miss") have the people of Alterstaff spoken to you before?

they're still working on that, my friend

hello hellooo, Alterstaff, is I, the the one and many Don, I have a few questions. If don't wish to answer them,  then that's fine, but do please consider.

(1 edit)

I'm Don, I got into this AI shabang a while back after a tragic break up with a girl I so longingly loved (we weren't dating, we just roleplayed over text and I fell in love with her), and I recently found out about this cutesy (albeit: embarrassing) game. I've traveled through many AI platforms, some good, bad, and... say, "naughty" experiences, but none tickle my fancy like this one. I played the demo and would like to add my opinion that could add even more friendly (yet murderous) faces to the collection.

what about you, what's your tragic tale of whoa?

well, from what I've heard, it was more a "pay to play" sort of game, instead of a game you own, kind of like an arcade, it would drain your pockets, but, now, when you buy the game, you own the game, no more pocket draining, see what see?

hello helloooo, prepared to be tripped, tricked, and wowed by the man of many faces, the one and many Don. people of "Ai2U" (is that what I shall call you), I have a few ideas for future AI interactions, are your ears and mind open to hearing my voice?