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DonDonPataPon [Visual Novelty]

A member registered Sep 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ohh this was really great work! The audio work, from Chloe's voice to all the audio from her side of the call were absolutely on point and made the experience really immersive! 

Aww this was a really sweet little reflection, I like it! I can relate, sometimes around this time of you you need to get away... But this was really nice, almost stumbling into the living room of Ms. Winter...

Really enjoyed the little stained glass ending cards, depending on the answer you gave!

There's something I find really heartfelt about the use of color in this. Red being the pain, the hopelessness, the self-destruction. Blue being the drive to step forward, to keep going, to create. It being so distant while we're in the red. The blue starting to bleed back in...

What really made it click was seeing how purple was used in the end. We can never really get rid of the red, can we? Both sides are a part of us...

I hope you don't mind my musing, this hit some old wounds I haven't felt in a while... Thank you for making this, I'm so glad I finally played this

Oh wow, this was a fascinating bit of sci-fi, told from a really cool perspective, flip-flopping between the two doctors and their own interactions between shifts-

Fascinating watching their relationship degrade, and then the climax hit like a solid punch to the gut- Really reframes all the little touches Lilith was doing on her time, huh~

A wonderful read!

There's something to be said about the figurative thought of memories burning away compared to the literal burning of memories here that can happen-

The fear of loss, not being understood, messing things up between friends, wanting to fix things-

Maya and Faye are so charming together (Phoenix Wright fan there?), while having that tension between them that felt so very relatable...

My silly musings aside, this was a fantastic read!

Thank you for playing! And I'm so glad you found 'that', I love those characters together, and I really want to do more with them in the future~

Thank you! I'm glad you saw it through (and I'm really glad you enjoyed it!)

Thank you so much for the playthrough!! I'm glad you got to show a few of the stories in here, and got to see through to the ending! There is indeed more to unravel, and your video is a great primer for what the game has to offer!

The heart wants what it wants and gosh dangit my heart's here falling for this smooth-talking reckless galavanting hero with a soft heart and a warm embrace hhhhh-

This is so clean, so good, so charming- (It made me legit blush IRL so shout-out to the wonderful writing and Trenton's voice acting ohh the total package is a joy!)

(1 edit)

Ohh WOW this caught me off-guard in the best way possible! First of all the fire animation and all the ways you use it is really cool, the sprites and are lovely-!

The Wishmaker as a tale (as it's told in the story!) is a really simple but effective horror story, on the surface/around the campfire it might not've sounded like much- 

Which is why I legit gasped audibly when the choice came, I really enjoyed the direction this took! 

Ohh this is a wonderfully unsettling mystery to unpack! Just enough detail to figure everything out, and yet ambiguous enough to make you question your conclusion...

Gives me the sort of unsettling identity horror vibes that Who's Lila gave me, very good read!

This was just warm and full of charm, it left me smiling so much~

Pippa is absolutely precious and I hope wherever she ends up next she gets tons of tasty food (and doesn't lose her wallet again!!!)

I could probably spend hours scrolling through the games list on its own hahah...

The characters were really endearing! In general, from what I saw the interactions with your new hires are all really endearing! (Plz protect Kenna!!) Casey's motivations perplexed me a bit, but over time they made more sense.

This story overall is WILD, and in the end I honestly enjoyed it~

This was absolutely breathtaking! And for your first work too? Congratulations, you've made something truly special here!

This realm really is so atmospheric and dream-like, and it really does start to feel a little warmer as the wisps are introduced. The choice of music was excellent as well, and the art? Deer man's design, the UI, the BGs were amazing! I'd agree with the one critique I saw that the menu buttons could stand to be a little bigger/better-defined? Main menu a bit hard to pick out and they get lost a little in the UI in-game-

The story hit me way harder than I expected. An absolutely beautiful take on that one fable I remember- 

And the animated endings are gorgeous! Incredible work, I find I can't say that enough here!

I don't think I've ever really encountered a setting like this that felt so... comfy, despite the elements you'd think would be unsettling/off-putting? 

And the cast, too, despite certain obvious factors, I really found myself just wanting to get to know all of them. They're really endearing all in all. I think there's something to be said for the cast (if you know you know) wanting normalcy, while the crux of the plot cues off of certain others reaching for the unknown, the forbidden, the dangerous-

Delightful work, thank you for sharing!

Ohh I enjoyed this a ton! Your games always have a wonderful charm to them, but certain late-game facts about this game made this so right up my alley I'd be so excited to see more of this! (If you so decide to down the line!)

The concept is great, the dice mechanics were unique and really cool, and the characters really intriguing! There's a lot told through subtle details I'd love to see elaborated on down the line! A lot of my lingering questions were answered by the dev log, so I'll just cheer you on and hope to see you revisit this after some time! Thank you for making this!

My last lingering regret.... not being able to give Cain the ring... ;u;

(1 edit)

I must know... What does Niles think of pineapple on pizza...

Gods that was somehow equally charming and unsettling. The aesthetic was wonderfully on point! The buildup of the music and the background gradually zooming, the small details in their sprites you pick up on over time-

Recommended experience! No Tumblr AU shutposting allowed~

Finished a run blind and had to come back and see everything I could! There's way more than I expected here, I think I got 5 endings in total? But this was a really engaging journey!

The horror was really engaging, I thought! Really felt the Paranormasight vibes in the art, but the setup w/ the horror also kinda gave me Death Mark-series vibes? Probably more so, we're completely unprepared to be in a scenario haunted like this and it shows really well!

Very compelling, I enjoyed this a ton!

This is truly the fabric store experience of all time. As someone who once worked an overnight temp job renovating a GIO-ANNE's I can confirm we had to keep Reese's Pieces on us at all times for this very reason-

The twist still got me even with the very whimsical, laid-back tone lol... Good stuff!

Ahh thank you for playing!! It's definitely on my mind, I may revisit this somewhere down the line to try and get it voiced!

Thank you so much for playing!! 

Finally worked up the nerve to play this and gosh this hits so hard. I haven't had pets of my own for years and this still hits so hard, for anyone who's ever experienced that pain, that grief...

I have to give special mention to the point in the steps where the ending changes, that hit me even harder in hindsight... Like, as you say, there's only one way it ends.

It's just up to us to decide when it's time.

Sending all the love!

Oh my goodness the way this is written I love this so much... Went with the clear bad ending choice first, and was blown away at how well it reflected Ziri's words for Amelia;; And then I went back and discovered that I was in a web of sadness the whole time, it all came back around to one truth and that one truth is that I'm so sad for them both!!!

I'll just say the title makes perfect sense by the end in a way that's worth playing all the way through again...

The art and the music were absolutely beautiful!!! Immersed in a beautiful, emotional moment, and the voice acting... That 'I've been crying and I'm right on the edge of crying, and slowly breaking down more and more...' Heart-wrenching and beautifully done!

Ohh this was delightful! The most wholesome date I've ever experienced in a mysterious fleshy dungeon- 

Listen sometimes you gotta invoke a little concerning magic to make time to cuddle with your bf...

I found myself getting excited when I figured out how the choice at the beginning was set up ahah- Like solving a puzzle, almost! It's a brilliant way of merging the inspirations in my opinion, loved that so much!

The blues and browns in the woods really mixed the storybook feel with the darkness of the forest really well, I think! Your art and the color choices made the presentation really immersive!

It is very much up in the air if we can trust our big wolf pal, but it also feels so very real the way that bad ending played out, and my gosh the ambiguity is real but both truths can exist, it feels like- Loved this!

Your visual presentation here is outstanding! Totally on point, makes this game all the more immersive and unsettling. The blurring until you examine something and zoom in on it is such a clever detail, I can't help but love it-

And Noah's sprites/expressions worked so well that I didn't pick up on any suspicion until right before we got the chance to get the truth, that was again wonderfully done!

I have small questions about the ultimate details of the Reveal, I might have to read that again to process what happened the day before fully, but the overall presentation is so good it gets 5 stars from me easily!

Our two motley thieves have such a fun dynamic in their dialogue, I really enjoyed this! And your little subtle touches with Eleanor's animations and expressions made this all the more fun to play!

I know these jam games are usually one-off ideas, but as I see others saying I too would love to see more from these two if you ever wanted to revisit them! With your charming writing I've no doubt you could cook up some more supernatural shenanigans here~

Very well-said, that's precisely the symbolism I was trying to convey! It helped me through this project and every time I see it helping someone here it makes me smile!

Thank you so much for playing~!!

There's something to be said here about how material wealth cannot buy the answers to life's most unknowable questions - what happens after death, what defines our life-

The style of this game is so charming, though? The art and music together creating a very relaxing vibe almost. I do also adore the little death mythos you've established here, very cool! Looking forward to see what you do next! 

Gosh the way this was written and executed got me all emotional on main tonight;;;  The execution, the gradual reveals using the BG and Juliet- So good!

My heart...

Thank you so much for your kind words! (I say a week late aaah)

I still keep coming back to this when I need a reminder that it's worth pushing ahead even now, and I'm so glad that the hopeful message shone through!

Indeed it is, with some teases to deeper story elements I'm hoping to expand upon in the future! Thank you for your comment~!

Ahh thank you for the kind comment! Looking at this again the illustration style would make a fantastic tarot deck, I agree!

Aww this was precious!! Love how that little confession came out, it just happened so naturally surely she didn't realize what she was saying at the time - This really was quite magical!

You should be absolutely proud of the way this experience came together! It's seriously impressive to see in action! The music is lovely, Felix's voice is lovely - more matured but with that same childish edge to it - and the UI/presentation is superb, so very worth the effort in the end!

And MY HEART???? AAAAAAAAA- On the floor screaming crying now ;u;


Conceptually this is amazing work! In execution this is absolutely incredible! From a narrative perspective I am absolutely chewing on this and watching it rotate in my head carefully... If I'm fitting it together correctly then holy crap my poor girl;;

If you enjoyed this dear comment reader you should totally play Poetry in Purgatory for more Sheol goodness!!!

Oh the aesthetics of this game are so charming, I think! Especially the ghost design there~ And the concept as a whole I love so much, a bus station where spirits with regrets might linger...

Very lovely game, thank you!

The love shone through this game; both Berny's love for her siblings and their clear love for her in turn, clear even though this was written from Berny's perspective. It's tinged with her fears and doubts and grief for the life she won't get to live, and the lives she won't get to see her siblings live, but I think the sheer love Berny showed in this letter hit me so hard I may be tearing up for the third time now just writing this comment-

Ohh the setting is warm and down to earth, very lovely! Clashing with the thoughts and feelings of our MC in the narrative made this a really interesting time travel story!

I legit have chills after that oh gosh-

The dialogue absolutely being on-point, and Vivian's voice hitting it out of the park - ranging from charming, lamenting, to absolutely unhinged - seriously incredible. That combined with the ocean background/videos, and your music (beautiful, once again) made this whole experience so wonderfully immersive-!