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A member registered Dec 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's always amazing how an experience is discovered: how initial ideas and concepts evolve themselves while being worked on ^__^

Thank you! the intention was indeed to do a light brain teaser, so the player can leisurely move through the levels. The current ones are more of a proof of concept, I will work on finalising the game to the target experience, with balanced progression and hopefully even more delighting interactions.

So happy it translated the vibes like that! I will definitely finish this with less time pressure for the intended experience ^__^

Thanks so much for the kind words, I am really compelled to take all the feedback and proper time to finalise this project into a complete experience!

Thank you for the feedback! Moving the objects is definitely one of the must have features... that had to be sacrificed to the gods of crunch and solo development :| I really love that you still actually went through to the star level, based on the feedback here and in discord, I am compelled to finalise this project regardless of the jam results. Thanks for playing it! 🙌

Very creative approach, loved both the style and the gameplay! The transition between the two play modes is very well made: the change of music and the music is itself is that touch of "wow effect", very well done!

Great concept, turning city builder into a puzzle works perfect as a game mechanic and fits the theme of the jam. Music and graphics work very well together and a nice polishing touch on the tooltips: they don't get in the way and explain the mechanics well!

If you are looking for any next steps to take this further, working on balancing would be the number one priority, it seems that too much is dependent on the random number generator. I too had a big issue with rolling for road tiles and could not proceed on the first play through but did much better on the second. One way to do it would be to analyse all the openings and ensure all the tiles can be placed and if the player messes up - introduce an undo action. 

By adding more assets and little animation + levels in different biomes / geographies could very well lead this to be a nice full fledged puzzle game, well done!

High-paced management game, enjoyed it very much. A lot of potential to optimise the UI and controls plus the onboarding to the game, lost about 3 times before got the hang of it and then immediately went for the high score! Cute art and fitting music too

Thanks a lot for liking and pausing to leave a comment! 🙌

Thanks! 🙌

Yes, indeed there is a part of content in the game that got sacrificed to visual/audial polish due to time constraints and solo development. I am glad that intuition worked for you for some time. And should carry on further in updated builds in the future! Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! Rated and commented!

The difficulty does take a spike at the 5th level, something to be balanced in the future for sure. Thank you for the feedback!

Good direction with the careful, thoughtful pace! The music really sets the tone and does not allow to get frustrated with the controls, which are actually good but could use some improvements like a forced screen-overlay to guide the first couple of ledges (since the mechanics are relatively deep, it's hard to expect the player to intuitively grasp all the nuances, also the grabbing seems to not be playable with a laptop mousepad, so re-enforcing the idea of mouse-only would help). The looming heights do call to be climbed up on!