the fight is about the morality of its development. artist have to actually put in effort to develop their skills and styles just for people to use their work to teach ai. the thing is, im not against the idea of using ai as a tool for art, but i am against it being in place of art
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a few others that have that also include different kinks and mechanics are gameover, SbArPg, and press to struggle. gameover has a bit of a story but you can skip do different vore stuff and other kinks. SbArPg (the full name is something along the lines of Summoned by accident) is a bit more story and character driven, its changed over time so it a bit more work to get to vore stuff for some characters if even available. press to struggle is a bit more focous on mechanic type stuff which differ between character, you can skip the story and go straight to struggling in a character, the story isnt bad but its still in early stages
i actually kindof want to try makeing some myself but renpy is a bit overwelming for me since i dont know codeing at all and find it confusing even if i can understand general concepts. and twine doesnt have easy visual element to my knowleage and is a bit more limited