Looks like this was removed from the play store :(
Recent community posts
some QoL requests:
Disable killing while building: guys kept wandering under my cursor and offing themselves. this was especially bad with the helmet guy you get after working on your main campfire for a while since he follows your cursor; i killed him almost immediately by accident
Big increase to walk speed for unimproved guys: it would help with the waiting
Build using nearest guys: sometimes a nearby guy would stand there while someone from across the map would walk over
Visual indication of special Trees/Rocks: it would be nice to know which Tree/Rock/etc will crease a house location, pickaxe, etc
A way to jump to nearest campfire: i left my cursor on the side of the screen by accident and scrolled really far. then i couldn't find my camp
Ability to zoom out more
How do shuttles work? Mine just sits there (within 15 tiles of home base) "Waiting for crew" and won't go on a mission. It has full fuel. I'm trying to move it to be a mobile construction office to build the radio tower far away.
edit: okay, it finally left on the mission. it landed next to the intended radio tower location. the entrance to the shuttle and the entrance to the tower were not blocked. the game complained that there is no route. i have no idea what i'm supposed to do.
I have plenty of Air and Water, but my "air/water capacity of life support system" is bottoming out, and my colonists are dying.
How do I turn Air/Water into Air/Water supply?
edit: this comes up in a later quest. having this gated resulted in a lot of deaths. i would like this to become available once its needed, not after its been needed for a long time.
Neat game! One gripe-
It's really annoying that all Warriors all target the same enemy every time. Spreading several Barracks over the map should mean that they split up sensibly, but they will instead run to the far end letting enemies right next to them destroy your base.
I'd just request that Warriors update their attack priority far more often
Anyone manage a win with Groove Oracle? It seems like the hardest by far. Insult to injury, when you fight another Groove Oracle they always seem to be The Guy She Told You Not To Worry About aka you but way way better.
Likewise, having an "Abandon" option would help mitigate frustration from doomed runs if, e.g., you are attempting to win with the Groove Oracle
this is a fun little game though!
QoL request: When picking up items in the inventory, please do not move them around until I put the item down. It makes it awkward to deal with the inventory. Please leave a blank space where I picked up an item until I place it somewhere. The items keep moving around and confusing me.
Alternatively, when in the inventory, please let us right-click the item to see its description without picking it up.
It feels like I never have enough. I think there needs to be an option to start with enough resources to start your first town (like civ). I think the resource spawning needs to be normalized so there's always what you need within x tiles. It is a really really cool idea but how it plays out is always arbitrary. Oh, and it shouldn't be possible to hang out near someone else's town and steal their stuff without spending a sword.
And inverted these same numbers would apply to a "roll Xd4 and take the lowest"!
That's the mod I would make - good things effecting a roll add dice (up to a max of 4) while bad things "remove" dice (down to a max of 4). Below 1d4 is -2d4 and so on; the minus means take the lowest. I would also make 4 the max instead of 5 since they're so similar, and because 4 is a 4 and we're all about 4s. so:
This allows for games with truly miserable results happening under certain situations which can be ~FUN~ :)
P.S. I love the d4 and have also done some experimenting with it