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A member registered Apr 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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The Sprite3D node is pretty versatile. The main thing you need to do is enable the Y-Billboard flag so it's always facing the camera. When it comes to getting movement to work in 3D (with varying camera angles), it's also important to rotate the direction of movement based on the camera angle, which requires a bit of vector understanding. Otherwise they'll always move on the X/Z axis, which feels wrong unless the camera angle is dead-on.

Agreed. Could also make it an upgradeable thing so the way it is now is the default crappy one and you can upgrade it so it's better!

The next game I make like this will be more about player skill / preparing for future orders though. The mechanics got a bit muddied along the way and I didn't have a solid idea of what it should be.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm still a noob when it comes to Itch pitfalls like that, so it's good to know for the future.

Glad you liked the upgrades! I agree, games with a variety of upgrades are more interesting because it provides more of a strategy element (not that it matters much in the scope of this little game). To me, the more variables to tweak, the better.


The balancing is definitely something that could be improved. The upgrade progression is pretty arbitrary currently. If I come back to this, I'd probably start from scratch with the knowledge I gained tbh, but I'd add some more skill elements to make the gameplay more engaging *before* you get full automation and go into idle mode. Then expand the automation with the ability to look ahead and restock for the next few customers instead of the current one.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I used these in a little idle/incremental game I made. Very cute sprites!

I used your music in a little idle/incremental game I made:

(1 edit)

Perfect idle game mechanics distilled into their very basics. I played this longer than I expected to, kudos!

One thing I'd have liked to see is a more obvious effect that I'm gaining money faster. The coin sound achieves this somewhat, but it'd be cool to have an indicator of average coins gained per second or something.

Thanks for the input. The game is incomplete at the moment, as mentioned in the description.

Sorry to hear it didn't load. I used Godot 4.1 so I imagine there are some hiccups they're still working out with the web export. Which browser are you in?

There is a stack of cinderblocks on the outside of the fence, which you can use to get on top of the goal. Unfortunately we had some issues getting the dog model in the game at the last minute so that's why there were no animations.

Thanks! I was a bit worried some of the missions would be difficult to figure out, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! I won't spoil the reward for finishing them all, but there is a fun little ending if one does.

Thanks! If I made it into a real game I'd for sure have unlockable and upgradable abilities to pace out the learning curve a bit. Was going for a bit of a Goat Simulator vibe where you just run around and do things.