alright, thanks so much!
Recent community posts everyone had a great time! here are our sprouts, i love them
I just got Celeste on Windows, and while trying to start the game, I realized neither my mouse nor my keyboard would show any kind of input. I'm stuck on the title screen (as shown below) with no mouse to be seen. No matter what button I click, the game won't start. I'm using the XMA version, and the game's not frozen because the snow moves across the screen and the lighting slowly changes. The keyboard works with every other game I get through, just not this one.
hello! this game is adorable, except for the fact that it's pretty much unplayable for me. whenever my brother (on the same wifi) on android sends messages i can't see them, but he sees my messages sent from PC just fine. everyone else in my family uses android, so this is a problem. are there any plans for a mac or iOS port, and is anyone else havin' this problem?