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A member registered Aug 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's not off putting, I just noticed that for the merchant, the switch is one that acts like a physical object. Which feels a little silly, it just feels a little crisper and cleaner when switches like that don't act like a physical object. We be better if it was an object that you walk on top of and then activated.

Build V1.3.2 was good, really good, just two minor suggestions.

1. An image gallery mode with and without text would be a nice addition to the game.

2. You have a couple interact buttons that are physical solid objects when they shouldn't be. I actually also use RPG Maker MV, so how you fix that, in the engine, you click those, in the left corner there's a tab with options that'll say "above player, below player, same as player", set it to "below player".  

When is the money counter getting fixed?

I'm already working on one, what's your excuse?

The first boss fight feels terrible. Just 2 taps you with a fight that feels more mashy than anything skillful. Then there's the controls which z,x may have been okay for a Zelda like combat, in a 2D platformer z,x are terrible choices. game would be cool on controller though. The graphics and frame rate is steady and great, the weapons themselves are cool. the enemies seem to jump down and do nothing, the ai needs a few more braincells.

I'll calm down, when you jump off a building.

Fuck off you pedophile defender, white knighting for a pedophile, kill yourself.

I read the first sentence of your bullshit, and I'm not going to read any further. I don't really fucking care, what you have to say, because absolutely nothing was "debunked", and you're a pedophile defender. You're a pedophile defender, there is no straw man, there is no poisoning the well, Jason is a pedophile, in your a pedophile defender. There is no shadow of a doubt, there is no fucking question, and I would fit you for a rope just as soon as I'd fit him for a rope.

(1 edit)

I don't give a fucking fuck, I don't really fuckin care, fuck you, fuck  the original poster, go fuck yourself.

Oh how incompetent can one man be? Well what if it was a man who found a 15-year-old little girl, and artist of talent, to groom so that he never had to draw any art himself? Oh wait that's right we're talking about Jason, and that's exactly what he did. He doesn't draw, he doesn't even animate his own stuff. The most he does is minor Photoshop, and affects edit, all of the animation is done by a third party, and all the actual artwork is done by Kabs. 

You know I wonder who she would have been? Had she had not been groomed by Jason? Would she still have his s***** personality, of scamming people and abusing them? Do you really think she would still have these absurd political ideologies, and disdain for certain groups of people? Do you think she would get in screaming matches with roommates over having to pay rent that is owed? Or do you think she would be an entirely different person if Jason hadn't come in during her 15-year-old lonely furry emo phase, and groomed the f*** out of her? 

Well Jason, is hiding out in Canada, avoiding the US, because there's people like me, that would Lynch him. Whether it's the various gangs or crime families, or just your stereotypical neighborhood watch, or lunatics like me who don't really appreciate the presence of pedophiles. He doesn't come to the US anymore, and he moved out of the US for very good reason. We have, evidence, of his penophilia, without a shadow of a doubt, moreover, his wife was 15 when he met her, they started a relationship when she was a minor and he was very much an adult, the dudes like 40 something, Kabs is only 3 years younger than me, I'm 28.

So there's the other thing, there's people that have paid $120 a month to get their character featured in the current version of bareback Street, has anyone's character at all ever been featured in bareback Street? No. Do you think he's going to refund those people? No.

There's better ways to burn money, like burning pedophiles homes to the ground like *cough* Jason *cough*.

I'm really only here because I don't like pedophiles, Jason is very much a pedophile, unfortunately for me, he's in Canada, fortunately for him, I can't string him up, because I'm red-flagged in Canada.

Money counter isn't going down 

Weird discoloration glitch persists

Audio bug with one of the customers playing audio whilst everyone else is silent.

Having played the game, it's good, but I have two small suggestions.

Switches are good, but maybe don't make them literally giant switches in the middle of a club. That's a small nitpick.

Encounters are rather consequence free, corruption, lust, are great ideas, but so is status effects, health, and stamina. You're basically using only half your tools when you use only the first two things.

Take it with a grain of salt, I'm certainly no expert, but I think your game has potential.

That's honestly kinda funny, but you weren't really missing but on anything anyways, the game is horribly optimized. There's a lot of better games on itch that take up less space, and have more than 3 levels.

(1 edit)

Yeah I was raised that if you were a f****** idiot you're going to get treated like one, I was raised that if you don't have f****** common sense, the world is going to eat you alive. I'm still here, after all these years, after violence, after drugs, after bloodshed, I'm still here. I will be here in this world, I was probably here before you, and I will be here long after you.

That's new, so what's it like doing then? Not letting you play the game ? Or ?

Yeah, it didn't work because you're late to the party, retard.

Probably because there's a retard telling me a password doesn't work after I posted it several days ago. Like DUH, you think he didn't change it? You fuckin clown. It's common sense, if you used your fuckin brain you'd have figured it out.

This list is blank.

So here's a list of games he didn't finish;

Bareback streets (the original)


Bareback streets (this current game he just announced he's dropping) 

Several flash games (17 unfinished flash games to be exact)

3 different collab games (basically got kicked off two for contributing nothing, and the third for trying to sex up a guys sister who was a minor, leading to him getting kicked out of an apartment)

Amorous 2 (which he just announced but will most certainly leave incomplete)

2 different "create your own fursona games" one of which amorous team finished without him..

Also, record all passwords for this game, he just keeps reusing the same 8 passwords, because he's lazy. 

PS: Jason was 28 when he entered into a relationship with Kabs at 15. Kabs is 26 now btw. Dude is like 40-ish, groomed the fuck out of her. Unfortunately she's only grown to adopt his terrible abusive behaviors.  

Again?! The guy uses the same 8 password I swear. 









Like 9 single digits exist man, quit using the same double digits. I shouldn't be surprised, Jason is such a lazy pedophile. You know he just announced amorous 2 ? You think he'll actually pay the amorous team this time? Probably not.

If the password miraculously doesn't work, it's because you're a FUCKING RETARD.

literally here. PS: the game is trash very laggy and broken

Won't happen, Jason was too busy fucking his groomed-at-15 wife to actually pay the amorous team and now they both have a Stockholm's rape victim that's their live-in cuck, so they probably still won't be paying the amorous team. The amorous team took over the game in 2019 and basically kicked jasonafex and kabs off because they weren't doing jack shit. Now they stopped updating the game because they have lives to live and jobs to pay bills. So unless jason forks over the money he owes, quits getting into slappy-nerd fights with peter-coyote, and quits rape-grooming people, you're not getting shit. 

We didn't even have google in the 90s, you ingrate.

the password is 1627

Hyena females can inflate their clitoris and use it like a penis to assert dominance over other females, and over males. It's not uncommon to have an alpha female hyena. Hyenas are also (despite being a canine) more closely related to felines, just like foxes and mane-wolves. 

So canonically/IRL, female hyenas are dommy-mommy vixens. 

With all those scientific facts that I have just written, the only question I have on my mind, is "what the f*** am I doing with my "?

(1 edit)

Wow, you got 3D images to work on mv, that's impressive, MV likes to shit a brick at the tiniest hint of graphical fidelity. 

Which version of rpg maker is this runnin?

So, I've modded the fuck out of Skyrim over the years. Discoloration in an animation 70% of the time means that something about the animation itself didn't install properly.

Whew wee booooiiiiiiiii, this is build has some interesting bugs. I get the build is unfinished tho. So there's some discoloration, lag, and stutter on the new scenes. There's lingering saves when there shouldn't be (fresh install). Debt is sometimes not decreasing. 

I see where stuff is going though, and it looks awesome. 


It has a very zany type of humor in it, the humor reminds me of crow job in space.

Porn game devs have the best sense of humor, have you played Kemonokun's "A walk home"? RRR and Lustdoll+ got a few zingers too.

69 Sodomy street, LMFAO

You don't even know how to use the word irony right. It's not what irony means, aaroni is not coincidence, go listen to the weird Al song, and learn the f****** difference.