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A member registered Aug 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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The discord for my games.

Journey Through Tellmain is getting a new update soon. I AM HALF WAY FINISHED WITH UPDATING EVENTS, EQUIPMENT, AND ENEMIES, WHOO. So hopefully I should have 0.5v out soon. It is obviously taking me a longer than a week, It'll probs be out in two more, so yes that's next month, so yes August 2024, probably. The combat is slightly more grindy, that's a good thing, you're also in actual danger when entering combat. Encounters will also be more frequent, so even if you're over leveled for a dungeon or area, you'll still have to prepare and use your better judgment, escaping now has a purpose.  WAYYYYYY BETTER COMBAT.

(1 edit)

LMAO, no thanks, I was already in one mob, and two different cartels. I pass.

Didn't realize I was your lawyer.

Totally not cult of the lamb. 


Whew update v0.4 is going to be huge compared to v0.3. We're talking about the game doubling in size overall. version v0.5 will hopefully have the conclusion to the main story. This was supposed to be a small project after all. v0.6 will be adding in a few side quests. That's all I have planned at the moment, but I'm sure there will be more further down the line. Then, after I'm satisfied with this game, I'll start my actual game. Journey Through Tellmain is of course a Rated M type deal, or at least I intend it to be, However the second game will be full on AO (Adults Only). After which I will probably do a second AO game, and  then maybe for a fourth game, I'll do "Return to Clon" as a rated M sequel to this game.

Your game keeps getting bigger, can't wait to play the next build.

Can you at least tell us you're general goal per build?

You could even lead into a sequel, going from what the game is now to something else. Like a postal 2 type deal. I bet you could make a good RPG.

Just throwing ideas out there. Can't wait to see the next build.

It'd be hysterical if you pulled a Postal Dude, and added a story line where helping the cult, leads to an actual apocolypse making the rat faction right. 

Also thanks again for the weekly update.

I'm practically hanging on every update. This is one of the many things I look forward to, once a week.

Man this build is getting exciting. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time IRL. 

Weekly updates? Awesome, this is exactly the kinda thing I asked for in the last devlog.

That'd be great, feel like I haven't heard from you since last year.

The first part is a mild chuckle, the second part is a request.

Bro crammed in cult of the lamb and thought we wouldn't notice, lol.  Also, what's the time frame ideally? Yes I know how you work, it comes out "sometimes soon" but usually when you give an estimate you hit the mark within 2 months, wether it's dead on, 2 months before, 2 months after

While I enjoy the game for what it is, and I didn't have fun following along from your journey, from the first game, to working on this game, this is a little disappointing. This game feels short, and small for a 10$ price point, I was expecting quiet a bit more. I don't think I'll be purchasing a third game at the same price point. L4D2 is 10$, Lethal Company is 10$, Resident evil 3 remake is 10$, Tail bound is 10$, Doom 2016, is 10$, Duke Nukem world tour addition is 10$, Elder scrolls oblivion, and elder scrolls Morrowind.

I understand that you can't make an entire Bethesda RPG, but your game has about 2 or 3 play throughs worth of replayability, and even the lack luster resident evil 3 remake has more replayability, wether it's the RE-Resistance side game, or just multiple runs for multiple play styles, with unlocks and collectibles. 

Tail bound is an erotic furry RPG, that's 10$, and has like 30 enemies, and areas that are tricky to navigate, plus secrets and unlocks, including a secret boss fight, as well as several boss fights, it has a surprising amount of replayability, plus it's previous game thirst chasm was free and procedure generated. 

Hopefully you've learned from this game on how to make a robust RPG BUT I DO FIND THE CONTENT LACKING, AND I WILL NOT BE PAYING 10$ TWICE.

That's something he actually touched on briefly in both the discord and a previous progress post. It's something he wants to do, and there's even a few animations. So you might ask why not now? Because it's just one person, funding, crowd funding, and picking away at the work load of progress. Frankly, they do things to fix problems in a very timely fashion, I suspect they'll get to these things we want withnin a few years.

And Britain's cuck leftovers from when the Spanish raped their wife the United Kingdom empire.

Yeah because you are one.

Y'all kangaroo humping wazoos think you're the end all be all of insults, but if you had any such talent, Britian wouldn't have abandoned you. Hire you for what? 10 pesos, what a steal, but I think i'll take my money and pay 100USD for a mexican, funny how even the border jumpers work in USD but you'll insist your currency is so great. Not even Somolean pirates will accept it. 

You really seem to struggle with coming up with insults, ( probably because You're a good person), If you would like help from somebody who's basically the f****** king of one-liners and highly offensive well thought out insults, message me. Whether you want a quick one-liner, or you want an entire cash insults for Claire, Paul, and the other characters to throw at each other I can very much help you with those. The only thing you'll need to do with my insults is just decide what's too far and what's not too far.

Can't find that app on Google, is there another place it can be found?

I'm having an issue thats telling me a "file not found" err code. wont let me launch, maybe its a bug or maybe i did something wrong, yo got any ideas?

As of November,2023

The newest update has resulted in more frequent and random crashes to the game. Not sure what's triggering the crashes either. They're sudden and random. This wasn't an issue I was having before.

theres an entire site of devs who make apks in their limited spare time, its called itch io, you should check it out. Get it? No? what im saying is quit making excuses, either do it or dont, but dont sit here and tell us it " cant be done" because "youre one busy person" because a lot of other people have done more with less on this very site.

no one is doing all this crap, make a proper apk.

No one is going to care until you make either a proper pc port or a proper apk, your rar files are crap and cant be sent or opened properly. theres nine different errors you need to correct before anyone can even play the game. i'm not going to gut code and fix crap to play it either, i'll just f*** off and play games that actually work.

Not gonna lie, the combat in this is clunky, and definitely requires an actual mouse. Other than that, the game is great. 

For those wondering, the game is kinda like discount Grove, which isn't at all a bad thing. I'd say it's even quite welcomed. There's no reasonable reason for people to not have both games on their computer. 

giving it further playthrough, and beating the game several different ways, i can see what you mean. it would be nice to have more variety of enemies.  i get that putting in new weapons is tricky. however it feels like theres only two ways to play, losing or winning. theres not much in the way of things like status you can inflict on others. would actually be kinda cool, if you could intentionally seduce enemies to win. i gt what you mean, its very obvious you have things planned out, especially towards the end of the game. 

Don't get me wrong I noticed there's more frequent enemies, several extra bad ends, and more locations. Compared to the previous game, it's a little larger. It's clear you leaned in on some new tricks you've learned. The combat is mostly more balanced too, except maybe the whole "dazed" ability the hyena have. Still a short game so far. 

Again just curious.

Like in some areas, we still only have the one weapon. There's only two outfits. If it wasn't for the save system, there'd really only be one faction. We also lost the dash/dodge special ability which kinda hurts. The new Dazzle attack is great, but doesn't have a lot of utility outside of very specific scenarios.