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A member registered Mar 22, 2021

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

can you help me unlock yuumi


I can't extract the file I need help

(1 edit)

how to get to the gym?

i agree

I wont foxy to have a pussy

ok thanks you for the info

I have v 1.0 from itch

how do I get to the peephole in the bathroom

I can't find it in the shop do I have to unlock it

where do i get the champagne bottle?


how old is puck?


can you give a close estiment to it will be done please.


I want more please I love the game.

ok I can鈥檛 want to see and play it I love games

keeeeeeep it and add more to it I love it so much.

yall are one of the best game i played i love the game.

when will there be an updat?

pikachu is very cute like all of the others and when will the now update come out.

can yall add more pokemon plz like pikachu

how long untill ep.6

i love the game

thank you for the date of the ep. 5 I like to see games grow a lot over years I like this game beceas it reminds me wen I play pokemon I love that game. can you put a esteregg for me about pokemon plez.

when will ep. 5 come out?

they are cut vary vary vary cut and hot!!!!!!!

can you all mack chapter 1-4 free for a limited time like tomarow at 4:00am to 8:30pm plez i love the game and it is fun but i cant buy chaper 1-4 and I love this typ of game?.!

wen will be the window update be

very good game i love i