Night Fury ```1014Jm0K4c012cDL30301c0000S0000000000004000400000000000000000000000000008fTkTk0000Tk00ly00x5_l%~8fPPPP8fPPPP000000000000000000008fTkTk0000TkzD00008fPP00000000000000000000000000000000008fPPPP8f%~Tk0000Tk00008f%~Tk0000Tk00008fTkTk0000Tk8fTk00```
A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →
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Some Pokemon as Dragons. Can you guess all of them? (Hint: none of them are of the dragon type nor do they resemble dragons.)
1. They are ordered by number in the pokedex by the way...
2. The longer I look, the more accurate it seems...
3. However, this one probably wins for being the most accurate to me...
4. First pokemon I recreated as a dragon and it still looks really cool!
5. I wish I could make it more accurate, but this is the closest I got...