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Dr C5

A member registered Sep 24, 2022

Recent community posts

Its working now, no idea what was up with it yesterday :/. 

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Not sure what urm is? Im using ren'py via joiplay and I've used checked the add money and add FP and thise work fine.

I've sent you a freind request on discord so maybe you can accept and help put there?

Great game btw

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Is this correct? I dknt get exta bomb(s) when i come out of console. I swear im being stupid :/

Im having issues with the console, i cant seem to work out how to add items, im using the console cheats but obviously im not doing it correctly. Whats the full code for adding a bomb and ill copy/paste it.


Why would you? Just explain that unfortunately you can't make the file smaller and unfortunately it won't be compatible for some people. Those that are able to install it won't need any assistance with installation.

You won't be able to satisfy all android users but you can at least satisfy those that have devices that are capable.

I hope you change your mind and if you do I'd gladly support you back with patron but until then sadly I'm just not playing.

Me too, i found it about 6 weeks ago and was going to become patron but after hearing of the more android I won't be sadly. The frustrating thing is it can be done but the dev just won't as some android devices don't like larger files, shame they don't think those that can handle those files are worth it but each to their own.

Don't know that im afraid . Maybe someone else can help you with that question. 

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No android version. It was announced, file too big apparently. I know my android can handle bigger files but dev seems agaist it

You can press ingore and after a couple of clicks it carries on. On a side note, unless its changed there is no update coming out for Android (update is tomorrow 8th). File is too bog apparently.

Do you have a list of all the songs? so many that go with the story well but don't know any of them.

I'm in particularly interested in the when MC meets stormy on her boat, some lyrics are "schools out for the summer and kids are on break" or something very similar