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Scott C. McDonald

A member registered Nov 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks rmarhaba!

Okay, I generated some community copies!  Thanks for your help!

I'm honestly not sure how community copies work!  Can you point me to a resource?

Printer-Friendly black & white character sheet is now up!

Correct, Bleak Road was a $5 add-on which included both physical and digital versions.

Hi Leon!

I will think about it, but Blood on the Bleak Road was one of the rewards on the JCE campaign and I am a little concerned that folks that paid for it might be concerned that they paid for something other folks get for free later just by backing a different project.  The physical Enter the Dismal Armory was lower priced specifically because the digital version is free here. 

Not saying I won't add some promotional rewards, but I have to consider some implications.  I'm a small-time creator and I've already made a fair amount available for free.

Thank you very much for being interested!

Yes, we are intending to release that, but Matthew has his own game (Chainsaw) to work on, so it can take a bit.  Let me poke at him to include it in the next batch of stuff

And if you are interested in more Wasteland Degenerates, bookmark our Kickstarter right here for the upcoming hardcover edition:

A digital version of the high-octane, gas-guzzling post-apocalyptic tabletop RPG about miserable, radiated scum struggling to survive in tomorrow's unforgiving carcass.

Thanks!  I am figuring it out as I go along!

Rampage cross-country in your badass fury-car!  Take your character from Enter the Dismal Armory, and lead them home in this new cartographic carnage car-tastrophe!  Check out the new rules for legacy play: If your character dies, you might find your old character's stuff as you rummage the ruined countryside.

©  Copyright 2024 by Scott C. McDonald.     Wasteland Degenerates, Enter the Dismal Armory, and Blood on the Bleak Road are independent productions by Scott C. McDonald and are not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License. CY_BORG IS ©2022 STOCKHOLM KARTELL.

Great question!  CosmOS interfaces are activated with Knowledge each time you use them.  They're neither melee nor ranged so you don't make a Strength or Presence check at all; the Knowledge roll determines if you hit or not.  This makes the Scientist more effective in combat using a CosmOS interface, for example.

I hope it happens, too! 


Done!  Sorry!  I understand if I am Less Borg because of it.

plus good?

I feel less dirty now that I figured out I can change it from "pay what you want" to "no payments."

Changed from "pay what you want" to "no payments" since it's just an extra step on the way to being rated Most Borg.

SLIGHT EDIT: Changed from pay what you want to no payments.  It's not actually about exploitation, people.

The intent of the flight rule is that you run to an available room that has an intact door that you can lock behind you, so the enemy can't get you. Whether this door was previously explored or not doesn't matter. So it might be a room you already cleared or you might be risking a new encounter.

Yeah, thank you so much for the heads-up!  I wasn't even aware of the Lone Adventurer's channel previously.  It's an incredible tool for showing off the work!

You can totally play with multiple people! I would up the chance to have multiple enemies for sure. The rules already allow for increasing the number of bad guys as you get deeper into the armory...d2 after the 2nd special room and d3 after the 3rd. You could start at d2 for 2 players and go up to d3 and d4  as you complete rooms. You might want to add a minion enemy to the special rooms as well.

I'm super curious as to how this would go, so please reach out with a play report if you manage it! Thanks!

Hey there!  You are correct that the chart is wrong; enemies are on a 4-6, actually!  There's a post below  a bit where someone noticed the same thing, and I gave some corrections.  The Lone Adventurer YouTube channel also noticed that there is a slight error on the door table where we have the "1" result for both dead ends and "1-2" for one door.

My layout guy is going to correct all of these for the next version.  It might not look like it, but this thing went through a lot of revisions, despite looking like Baby's First RPG Development Project.

I mentioned The Lone Adventurer's playthrough on YouTube in the last Devlog.  Here's part 2!

(spoiler: he does way better)

Hey, in case anyone wants to read up on the Wasteland Degenerates universe (and main game, crowdfunding on June 12th), check out this Q&A that I was pleased to be a part of:

That would be quite a predicament!  You could go one of two ways.  First, the door to the outside is probably unlocked; you might have to take your chances with the skraelings outside :O  

Second, I suppose you could justify crashing through the locked door using Strength (you wouldn't have time to use lockpicks), taking damage as usual for the attempt.

The great thing about solo RPGs is that you can make up your own rules if I, the creator, fail you!

Whoa, I'll need to check it out!

Not per se, though you could use the official Wasteland Degenerates character sheet.  I'll post it up as an extra download.

(1 edit)

Wow, thanks!

I'm going to tell mom.

There are those that BORG that deserve death. There are those who die that deserve BORG. Can you give it to them?  

Well, can you, Punk?

There are those that BORG that deserve death. There are those who die that deserve BORG. Can you give it to them? Because I think we  managed it.  Jeebus.  Wait.  What am I doing again?  Where am I?  Who are you?  Get away from me!  I'm a CREATOR, I say!  A VIRTUOSO!

As you can see, I have no shame for my folly.  Please consider forgiveness.

I can't believe you made me do this thing.

1. You are correct and I don't know how I missed that!  Thank you!  I'll see about correcting that.
2. Yes, the starting location should be determined with a d4.  Somehow the (d4) got eaten by the layout

3. You can't scavenge an occupied room; you get rewards by interacting with the occupants.  In retrospect I can see how that might be confusing.

Thank you very much for taking a crack at the armory!

May 1st was the day I dropped my game, and interest in Arts & Entertainment went up to 100.  

Naturally I'll claim credit.

I'd love to see a review if you manage to get a game in!

Hello, I'm Scott, aka Dracomicron.

I am self-publishing Wasteland Degenerates, a Mork- and Cy_Borg compatible RPG, via BackerKit crowdfunding (the campaign is in June).  I also released a solo micro RPG set in the same universe, Enter the Dismal Armory, which you can find on this site!

I have been gaming since probably 1983 and have played a variety of systems over the years.  I especially like Demon: the Fallen, AD&D 2e: Planescape, Gamma World, and Starfinder, but the Mork Borg-o-sphere has caught my interest of late.

I'm brand new to semi-pro game design, though I've been GMing for decades and have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't.  Even if I'm wrong, though, I'll learn something from it and do it better next time!

If anyone has a play report for this, I'd love to hear about it!

Good morning, and thanks for hosting my new solo RPG, Enter the Dismal Armory.  You can find it here:

A little background, I'm currently self-publishing a full Cy_Borg/Mork Borg variant called Wasteland Degenerates, and learning a lot from the crowdfunding process.  It occurred to me that getting a little experience with a smaller, less ambitious project could help in developing my audience and publishing skills, so my art/layout partner, Matthew Myslinski, and I created this document for free download.  Please check it out; I'd love to hear your feedback!