Thanks, I already noticed it soothes the draggy))) Though only its Nose Outer Settings, Inner Settings remain unchanged if I caress the dragon calmingly with hand.
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You could make the sneeze as unpredictable as possible, with some warning signs that the dragon is close to sneezing and add objects which soothe the dragon before it's too late. And if he sneezes - the player is burned for example (or if he sneezes strongly enough to trigger flame breath, if he sneezes a little - no fire yet, just smoke). Also you could make it like that - the more times and stronger the dragon sneezes - the closer he is to fiery eruption (more smoke comes out, then sparks, then even more darker smoke, then finally fire and game over for player)! That'd make this game so much more enjoyable for me. I love the idea of playing with dragons and teasing them like that.
Played it a bit until I died in a minute or so. Seems too hard, the dragon should be more powerful, resilient and fly faster, having better chances to evade or counter enemies' arrows. It'd be more interesting if this was a scrolling shooter also, where you fly and shoot enemies both before you and on the ground instead of flying back and forth on one screen only with tons of arrows. It's hard to descend to gather those lvl up orb, that's how I died, got hurt whenever I wanted to gather them to level up. I also didn't understand the game's goal, maybe you need to do some training level first.
I got this cute ending.No bugs yet. Didn't expect to receive it so fast. It seems you've made rabbit sounds of fear or delight etc. yourself with your own voice?
By the way if you like choice-driven stories from your childhood you should really try to play my favorite choice-driven visual novel "Angels with Scaly Wings", you'll be AMAZED by the story and its dragon characters.
Yea indeed you enter your first battle with 0 Life and die from the very first attack if you don't use up several healing potions before from the very beginning, so indeed your life and stamina for attacks start to regenerate only after your first battle has been won. Also - the game doesn't tell you that you can use potions in battle, I found that out by accident. Also - that potions of sturdiness which cost me 29 coins was a waste of money - it promised to increase armor in battle, and I used it during the battle but nothing changed at all. Its effect was shown on the dragon, but enemy attacks from crabs and salamanders did the same damage to me as before I used it, 2 and 1 HP respectively, so it was a waster of turn (and money).
I'll probably play this game a little more some time, these are just first thing I noticed by playing it around 20 minutes. I love anything dragon-related so forced myself to play it despite its shortcomings. Random encounters indeed happen way too often, I get seriously hurt after a battle with 2 crabs and salamander where a lot of my attacks miss and enemies get critical attacks 2-3 times, barely survive, then just start moving to collect coins or explore the level and new battle starts! And this happened several times already. I had to use potions to survive, and now I have to stand in one place and wait for the dragon's life to regenerate to continue without risk.
From the beginning of the game Lady Bug had 0 HP (Life) and was not regenerating health until I found potions in inventory and used lots of them to heal her. And I noticed that life started to regenerate automatically after the 1st battle only, not before. Kinda weird. Maybe need to restart the game out of curiosity and see what happens if I enter the 1st battle with 0 Life. Also what's wrong with those random encounter rate? Sometimes I stand in one place and only take one step and enemies attack! Right after previous battle, so I didn't restore much life and died! Need to make random encounter rate more fair, not so that you only start moving after the last battle where you got hurt and enemies attack at once, even having pre-emptive strikes on you. I hate dying unfairly like that
Started the game, really loved the beginning as a fan of dragons but after this nothing happens, this text doesn't disappear and the dragon doesn't move. Though exiting the game and reloading it by clicking "continue" allowed me to continue playing. I was already thinking the bug would be unavoidable
Дуже чекаю на оновлення, тому що хочу побачити найкращу кінцівку. Така філософська та водночас мила ігрулька! І як візуальна новелла вона досить глибока та довга, я навіть не очікував. Це друга українська гра у жанрі візуальної новелли, у яку я пограв, до цього була оця, коротесенька, але теж сподобалась, хоча вона незрівнянна з вашою.
А найкраща візуальна новелла, у яку я грав, це про драконів, Ангели з лускатими крилами, ви маєте про неї знати, тому що це найкраща та найвідоміша за рейтингами, з дуже цікавим сюжетом
І ще додайте можливість завантажити саму гру, коли будет оновлення.
Did you change something in the game? I did the very same choices with Felina I made in a previous version of the game, yet I always get the same "pencil bag buddies" or whatever ending, not a romantic one. Even though I made the best choices (capybara, led her to toy shop, bought her a pencil she wanted but despite all choices the ending is not romantic and nothing changes in dialogues).