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Dragoljub Drax Catovic

A member registered Mar 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you for commenting. Glad you liked it :) Yes, controls were a challenge. I really wanted to simulate movement underwater, and I did also feel that they were not precise enough. I planned to try to correct that by the end of the jam, but focus went on other parts of the game. I have a plan to fix it, maybe in some future update :) Thanks again for commenting. I really love your Vindicta :) 

Hey, glad you liked it. Tnx for the feedback , yeah it does need some introduction :) 

Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it :) Sadly the evil mermaid is currently invincible :D  I was planing some Boss fight mechanics for her, but it switfly went out of scope for this  game jam version xD  Only thing that she does is that she increases number of fish while she is spawned. But i plan some updates on it in the future. Currently you win the game by gathering 2000 points. Tnx again for commenting :) 

Thank you for the comment,  I'm planning some updates for it in the future. Glad you liked it :)

Thank you, glad you liked it :) Also thank you for the comment, didn't even pay attention and I agree there is too much ammo available. It was a rush, first Jam and was afraid with time. But I will return to this one for an update and maybe continue its development in the future. Tnx again, it means a lot :)

Thank you, glad to hear that :) 

Love the feel this game gives. Good job!

Great game idea. Love the feel, wakes up great memories. Good job.

Thank you  :)

Thank you very much :) Glad you like it :)

Interesting game idea, great work. Love it :)

I'm glad you liked it and thank you it means alot :) Cant take credit for the graphics, mostly greate free assets open for use. Unity Asset Store and websites like were my friend during this Jam. Without them the outcome would be very different :) Thanks for commenting. :)