I'd really like to see this continued. The artwork and the music are very, very good. (Also, she's a magnificent artist!) Please keep developing it!
Recent community posts
Artwork is adorable. Really like the music as well. Even the font is beautiful.
I like the idea that a pokemon battle is distilled down to a rps mechanic. What would be really interesting is if each "mon" had an animation tell that would infer which move they are about to throw.
I regret to say, though, there's a rogue fifth color. I think the low health color (tan) and the character detail (red) were meant to be the same color, but they aren't.
Wow, this was fantastic to play. If you take this further, I recommend adding some bounce-angle door switch puzzles, and perhaps the ability to switch between angled up and angled down.
Love the artwork and the moody palette. Amazing all the art, music, and code was put together in such a short time frame.