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A member registered Oct 20, 2017

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First id like to say I am loving this game and the idea of it and I really want to see it flourish! I want to share the bugs and issues ive had to help further the development of this game so that (hopefully) the full finished product will be available sooner :)

Here are some of the bugs and/or issues ive encountered (Alpha 5)

- Inventory issues where it makes 2 separate sections for the same item. Such as ill have a spot with 8 iron and another with 1 and when i craft it will only read the pile with 1. I have to throw them all and re collect them to fix this.

- inventory vanishing periodically and reappearing. Almost like cropping out my inventory..

-mills and other buildings requiring oddly specific spots for placement. mills most often will place only when on 1 square of water? 

-I would very much like to see a increase to space or a way to make something for storage. I haven't finished the whole game yet so im not sure if there is and i missed it or idk 

- occasionally it will let me place something (mostly bridges) in between blocks 

- keeps not allowing me to build bridges vertically. Like if i want to make a line of bridges going up, i cant

-Is there a way to destroy furnaces and forges? Right now the only way i have been able to destroy them is if i place something in them and then hit it while the item is loading. 

- there should be a way to type in or select an exact amount of an item you wish to create. Such as i have 100+ gold and i just need a few more pieces to make a golden shovel, but my only options are 1, 50, or 100. but i need 4? So i have to go to 4 different furnaces and create 1 in each. Its a little annoying