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A member registered May 14, 2022

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I meant as one of the options to do that as you are chatting with the girls instead of getting it on with them just give them loving Headpats or Headscratches

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No worrys man if you need to take a break cause stuff in life is happening that's alright just don't go burning yourself out trying to work on this just say that there's going to be some delays on the update and just work on it at your own pace or take a break go out and see some sights or hang out with some friend to relax

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That's fine just something I thought should be bought up before you get hammered with alot of rage cause it got blocked and no one could time the block power right to stop taking 1000+ damage from it

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Yes she blocks it and makes it unseeable once she gets really big maybe you didn't see that happening or you beat her before it happened on your test run

Hey I think I found a problem during the I guess final fight for the game if you go that way one of the people you fight gets so big she hides when she's using her ult attack on you so you can't block it

No worrys just take your time. Yes i will say I am annoyed about the delay but it's something you adding and clearing out the bugs so it's fine plus you gave a heads up for the upcoming update version waiting a bit longer it's going to hurt me plus it will also give you more time to find and see if there's any bugs that are trying to hide from you

I look forward to that tho I would like to headpat the Main Fox girl that travels with our MC like there's a funny scene where she gets drunk leans on him and asks to be headpatted or headscratched XD

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Ah thank you and I did enjoy the game. keep up the good work plus i was doing alot of farming of one group of enemy nonstop for a bit mainly for the stat up item that I saw as a must to upgrade alot the Magic Defense as of right now Mine is at 213. so I think any mage that battles me Is going to have a bad time dealing with me XD

When will there be a update here for those that aren't or can't supporting you by patreon?

Damn so it maybe like 5 years til then if they move at a snail's rate

When will the full version for those that aren't Patreons be released at? after you clean up all the bugs that happen?

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Will there be a option to headpat our loveable Foxgirl at somepoint or Floof her tail or tails if she is hidding the fact she's a ninetail?

It was just gain more exp I think and here for me I thought it was going to be like the broke sword in Dark Souls maxing the broken sword then get it that one soul then you get the best weapon in the game

Damn it getting Broken sword to level 100 in upgrades was a pain in the ass now i have to do it again 

No I mean when I pick the character to load the game it loads for like 3 seconds then just freezes up and then never loads then after like 2 mins it says a error as happen and closes the game

Hey idk if this is a bug or something else cause everytime i try to load up my character it just crashes is it cause of the area i saved at and can it be fix cause it was lagging hard I don't want to lose his character after all the time I done to level up and upgrade the items i have where they are at cause that will be 100% annoying to redo all of that when getting to level 100 upgrades with the broken sword was so much time

another bug found only when taken out she jumps twice from the bed and then gets stuck in the wall

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If anyone can make the full list of where they can all be found at that would be helpful

I love the fact there is going to be more Unique kids you can have with each of the girls I do have a question about that if they already have say 3 kids the first one and two that you name what will be worked around them? say the next ones will be the Unique named kids?

Why you torment me? Why can't there be a option to give the catgirl and wolfgirl headpats?!

This was very enjoyable I hope to see maybe a part two with the option of which ending you wanted at the start of the part two if you go that far if not that's fine as well.

Can't wait for Genex Love 2!

I would like to see a chat with Ushris about you giving her headpats then she just blushes insanely hard cause she secretly enjoyed the heatpats but was trying to hide it by grabbing her hat and running away from the fight with her ;D

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I getting the feeling at the end of this tho that each of the girls that are effect will have the MC's kids (not incluing the ones effected by the one that makes them have a Pregnancy cause not sure if they would be his kids cause they could be clones of their mother from the minerals effect on them)

The Cute wolf girl wife missing?! MUST SAVE HER HURRY WITH UPDATE SO WE CAN SAVE HER (take your time man don't feel like your rushed)

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the update confirmed on the 29 of October or sooner

Can't wait to see what the endding is with the growing cowgirl harem ;D like maybe the fun the dude you are playing as has more then the green stone kids from the fun each of the girls want after all 6 transforming is done.

this should work if not try looking up for PreggoPixels discord in google

It is going to be updated just on the discord chat said it was going to be a huge update and also taking care of stuff so can't be going all in for the game and Preggo said I think sometime near the end of the year

It's fine just take your time if there are going to be delays then let us know

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I think i will I mean come on myth beings who wouldn't want a nine tail foxgirl? tho I also do like some ideas for also a dragongirl as well

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can't upgrade :( do hope someone asks for a foxgirl tho A Ninetailed Foxgirl that is

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Hey Idk if it a bug or missing code but i can't make Ramen noodles anymore heck it's not on the list of the foods you can make

Please don't stop uploading here man!

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I like the updates done so far Arcadean. I need to know what happen to the other girls MC befriended before everything went to crap like the cute wolfgirl and the others as well if any of them are hurt  like our cute Element girl who won't leave their room then I will go All Doom Slayer on their Org asses!

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Hey man I don't mind waiting take all the time you need for it don't rush it. Rushing means you make alot of problems you have to work out later just take your time with the updates. Heck if things happen and you need to hold off on making the game then post saying you need to take a break a bit to renew you mind for more ideas that fine

Hey man if you need to take a break from this cause your livelihood is a risk then it's fine in my eyes. Hold off any more updates from this til you get everything back under control.