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A member registered Dec 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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No problem! Its great to see other people's games. I actually just released a demo of my own FPS game. It also features a similar wave-based system. I will appreciate it if you would check it out here:


Dragon Rider Tech

ok will do

(2 edits)

I just released an updated version demo of my game where you can play the finished warehouse level! My game is a first person shooter game which focuses on waves of enemies which you have to survive. The warehouse level turned out great and I want you all to check it out. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments here or on the main page. The demo is 100% free and is available to download as a .zip file on windows. I hope you enjoy it!


Dragon Rider Tech

This looks so amazing! I really like the graphics. It is also really fun to play and I like the concept!

I just released a demo of my game where you can play the finished warehouse level! My game is a first person shooter game which focuses on waves of enemies which you have to survive. The warehouse level turned out great and I want you all to check it out. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments here or on the main page. The demo is 100% free and is available to download as a .zip file on windows. I hope you enjoy it!


Dragon Rider Tech

Thanks fellow gigachad

Counting Brain Cells is an amazing, simple quiz app which tells you how many brain cells you have! You can easily write your own quizzes as well as accessing over 4000 questions from Open Trivia Database. Download Now at

Counting Brain Cells is an amazing, simple quiz app which tells you how many brain cells you have! You can easily write your own quizzes as well as accessing over 4000 questions from Open Trivia Database. Download Now at

Great wordle port! I love the colours and the game itself feels very smooth and nice to play!

Counting Brain Cells is an interesting quiz app which tells you the amount of brain cells you have. You can choose from 4 built-in offline quizzes. But, there is much more content than that. The app has Open Trivia Database integration, so you can configure your own quiz and access over 4000 quiz questions for free. 

The app uses JSON to load quizzes, so you can easily write you own quiz and load it in with the 'Load File' feature, following the template. The app is also open source so anyone can access it for free providing they have a Windows Device.

Download now at: