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A member registered May 08, 2023

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I have over 45 houres in this game right now and have come acrost just one Mega Stone and it is onley for Miloic whats up with this I have tryed to fish for a Feebas or a Milotic but can not get eather of them to use the stone on see. If your going to let us get one of the stones then please let it be one we can Mega Evolve a pokeman we can fine or fish for please it seems you reather us not beable to get aney of the Mega forms of a pokeman.

You give us a Mega Stone but we can not get the Feebas or a Milotic to use it on what the F com on get with the game will you please.

As you can see there is not enof to beable to do this I have tryed every way to do this but keep comeing up with this here not enof AP to do it .