I am Alldreamer from Kongragate, I still love your game to bits (Oh, how I like to say that about video games). I just found this "new" project and I cannot stop my blood pressure rising, I've found a diamond!
There is one wish I have about the new game that I still could play as a "dog". For some reasons better not mention I find it not so certain. Dogs, and dragons, mean to me a lot and getting to play either of them is a rare gem indeed.
Do you have some social media page where I could easily see any updates? Have you considered a Kickstarter? This project have been so silent that some kind of advertisement couldn't hurt, especially now as You actually need the game to sell some to survive.
Finally, I have always been curious why the world name is Kalevala. The story or people in the world do not have much to do with that epic, or did they? I am Finnish and have read all kinds of stories based on it, but everyone's experience is different.
Be it what it is, I will try to find out when the game releases and save it to my Golden Box to keep there forever and ever.