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Drake Steele

A member registered Dec 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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Wow. Thanks so much for your hard work and the fast turnaround on this update!

(1 edit)

Hey. Big fan of the game... BUT... I do have a few thoughts.

The new system makes very little sense from the standpoint of being king over a growing nation with what should be an expanding populace.

If you want the system to make sense as a ruler, consider this:
A finance minister (the taxes guy) who you discuss the budget and taxes with - you had that perfect already, just add that he handles the trade and resources, perhaps forwarding requests and decisions if you haven't directly answered them from the overland travel map yet. The "overview map" guy - make him minister or Public Works, and handle workers and building projects, and your Lab guy is your Minister or Research, keeping track of the latest experiments./. Ryen, as king, could decide what to budget for and how often, what to produce locally versus trading with neighbors, and where to build new improvements. You had a lot of that right the first time around, and it mostly worked pretty well. But businesses and nationalized resource gathering backed by the crown should never directly sully a ruler's hands aside from rubber stamping his approval of their requests and vetoing or recommending their actions.

Resources should just go up or down based on those decisions, and how you respond to disasters or the aftereffects of missions, and attacks or thefts by enemies, bandits, or disasters like fires, floods, and weather.  THAT would be a much more natural solution, and would leave Ryen free to adventure MOST of the time, but what you could do is have disasters or places needing Ryen's input show up on the travel map. And if he does not respond in time, the kingdom loses resources, or a building needs to be rebuilt at extra cost because it burned down, or a farm flooded or froze in a spring cold snap, etc. You'd just have a timer check for whether a random event should occur, and have a table of positive and negative events, and locations they can occur. Positive events would boost prodcution for a time or bring a windfall of gold, while negative events could reduce production, devastate the stored amounts in stock, reduce currency from theft or require Ryen to personally go to or sent the army to stop the bandits, recover from disaster, fight fires, etc. within a certain time or lose more, or lose the producer and require the rebuild. Much more sane to keep up with and makes much more sense as the ruler of a nation.  Just an opinion, but I think it's a better overall solution.

Just my thoughts on it... Thanks again for all your hard work on a great game.

-Drake Steele.

P.S.: The storage issues really are awfully severe. There really should be no limit to storage, except that the cost of building more buildings, or digging cellars out to store it would keep going up, and resources like food would slowly rot if you kept more than could be consumed or traded for too long, and just be more to worry about losing in thefts or disasters... and then all that storage y'ou paid for to be built lies empty, costing more maintenance per round for nothing til you can refill it... another consequence for the player of letting it collect too long.

I'm running into the same problem. Previous versions haven't had the issue, but after downloading and installing the last two updates, the screen will freeze, but you can still do actions in the background and hear the sounds of them occuring... Thank the gods for the autosave feature or I'd have lost hours of play sometimes.  Can someone try to track down this issue?

I have, but I tend to use a stylus and it's super inconvenient. I'm used to Esc/back in the windows version, but that exits. So I just thought a dedicated menu open/close button onscreen, at least for the android version, would be a really handy feature. Thanks for replying! 

Is there an on-screen menu button for the android version, adblock a close menus button? If not, can they be added? As a touchscreen player on Android, changing chobot screen items, accessing the menus, etc. seems to only be possible with a game controller... Even with a Bluetooth keyboard, esc tries to exit the game rather than open the menus... That's a problem.... Help!