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A member registered Jan 11, 2018

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the pictures are broken

(1 edit)

The Kraken Queen or number 1

I wouldn't recommend upgrading to 2.0 or 2.1. 2.0 is buggy and will often crash when you finish a night. 2.1 adds the first half of night 2 but it disables arcade mode. I'd wait for 2.2 or 2.3 when it comes out

Is golden freddy supposted to crash the game? also why do she not show up in the extras menu like the others? is that intentional?

On another note is their any plans for a windowed mode?

When you run out of cards in your deck does that mean it's game over?

(1 edit)

As someone who finally got all of the endings and codes I BEG you if you update this again give us the choice to select the princess. Spending 5-10 minutes looking for one combination is not fun.

on another note some combinations have too many numbers and some have too few.I'm not sure it's a bug or not.

Ghost Finhead Harvest 1113121 (even double checked it)

Ghost Finhead Skeleton 1069037

Oni Bird Fairy 75850

Oni Bird Human 71299

Oni Kobald Fairy 79550

(2 edits)

if you're going to give us so many drink choices you either need to increase the amount on the counter at a time or increase the spawn rate of drinks when you have an empty spot on the counter or lower the number of drinks a princess needs to get drunk. I've failed 6 games in a row because I'm just not getting the drinks they are asking for.(might I also recommend giving us a skip intro and a mute music button)

how much extra do you got to pay for the exclusive content and what exactly is it?

is the version here the same as the Patreon version or is it a build behind


do you need to delete the old patch when you put the new one in.