Looking good so far. Curious to see how this turns out.
I'm hoping for some large ammounts of weight gain (maybe to even immobility) for multiple characters. Other things I'd like to see might be body inflation and size theft, some of those big muscle characters need to be 'drained' and experiance being pushed around by those who take their mass.
Anything with some really large growth/expansion I'm all for. maybe even a special path or two where the main character somehow takes the Hoast's powers and ascends to godhood and can inflict any of the transformations on the whole cast to build a 'perfect world'.
While I definitely want the game to be a mystery of what choices lead where for the first few playthroughs, a sort of guide for future playthroughs would be nice. Maybe different colored text boxes.
Black = you have not seen this path yet.
Green = you have made this choice before, but not picked some choices further along.
Blue (with a gold trim maybe = you have seen every choice down this path.
A member registered Jun 08, 2020
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Something glitched on me and Alt became the jump button while Loona kept moving to the left on her own.
Also I think the one hit instant fattening to game over is a little too much. Nice in terms of looks, but it might be more playable if each touch only adds some weight and leads to a game over if you touch too many fattening objects/enemies.
Otherwise looks great and hope you keep refining it. :-)