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A member registered Dec 10, 2020

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No, you just need to explore/pass the time in the Western District and see when Aero's Junk is an available option to go to. Like, if you go in and choose to pass time by talking to Aero, he'll say afterwards that it's closing time and you'll go back out to the Western District at 4 PM.

This one was very tricky, but just like with Mac's passcode, once you figure it out the clues piece it together quite cleverly.

So during your investigations you learn that during the daylight hours the rats are operating out of stores owned by mice that sell mouse essence, and all open and close at the exact same time.

Is there any store in-game that checks all those boxes? Yes. Aero's Junk. Go to the Western District and make a note of the exact time of day his shop opens and when it closes. In this case, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. So the combination lock in the sewer is 11000400.

The Scrolls of Generosity (+20% Resources from battles) aren't working in the 9.7.1 update. When applied to equipment, they just remove any preexisting enchantments.

Don't forget that you can use Bob the Cauldron in Horace's basement to transmute the more common crafting mats into rarer ones. Just bring plenty of vegetables. ;)

I think the titles for Giant Loyd's last two scenes with Remem'beer' in the Tavern are reversed.

Scene 3 is called "Creamy Buns", but is about Orderic bringing Loyd a basket of hazelnut croissants.

Scene 4 is called "A Half-Giant's Favourite Dish", but is about Loyd, Ghart and Gregor helping Zack find the perfect cream filling for his buns.

I'm still confused as to whether or not that specific Dark Knight is even possible to defeat? I know that you've said in other posts that it's possible, but I honestly don't see how.

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Umm... No, you can't. This particular Dark Knight encounter happens IMMEDIATELY after repairing Hanth's Forge, before Horace's shop (and therefore vegetables for the higher-end recipes) is even unlocked. This also means any plug/ring sets above the Don't Touch My Set are also unobtainable at this point.

EDIT: I didn't mean to sound disrespectful or anything at all with my reply. I really love this game and thank you for all the hard work you put into it.

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong to keep losing the scripted Dark Knight battle after repairing Hanth's Forge, because I know I beat him before on an earlier version of the game!

I have the best possible equipment available by that point of the game (The Sharp-Toothed Sword and "Don't Touch My" cock ring and butt plug set), giving me a total of 52 Virility and 240 HP, and have all the non-book Skills learned. I've tried a full inventory of 6 Snail Tea, and also 5 Snail Tea and 1 Strange Fish Curry, but the closest I can get is being just one more move away from victory!

Why can't I beat him this time?

EDIT: After countless retries I'm just about to give up and conclude that Grizzly Gamer has made it IMPOSSIBLE to defeat this Dark Knight now, despite a Strip Lucky card being tied to beating him with no other way to obtain it as of now to my knowledge.

So is it Valdo or Waldo? The game can't give me a straight answer!

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This has been bugging me for a while, but… shouldn’t the Girl’s Pendant ideally be removed from your inventory when you first meet Logan at the Sawmill? For as long as I can remember it just stays in your bag or storage taking up space with no further purpose. This also creates a plot hole in the Full Moon event where you go to the Sawmill to retrieve it if you try to cure WereLogan while he’s in your prison.

On a semi-related note, the Ghost Dick Dildo that you get from the April Fools non-canon event can’t be used at all. It doesn’t show up as an option if you choose to Have Some Fun at home, even if it’s your only dildo.

Roam where, exactly? I found one barricade by rummaging through the eastern junk pile, and then a second in the underground by clearing the path for the first time, but I can't find any more.

It's a lot easier to get the good ending than the bad. The main thing you need to do is not let the missing acolytes get raped when Othra has you search for them in the "Missing Acolytes" quest. Also, when you unlock the Lake of Purification after retrieving all three Lizard Statue pieces, tell Othra to keep the Lake's existence a secret for now (green option).

Does blocking up the holes in the north-by-northeast question mark tile of the Junkyard do anything? And where exactly can I find/make more Barricades?

Is it possible to get 2 hearts with Hayden yet? We went on a second date and had sex under the stars in the track. Do I have to progress further in the story? (I haven't finished the Full Moon event yet.)

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Sorry, I should have clarified that I reloaded to right before going to sleep to try each option. The standard "Sleep" for 8 hours option cured Tired, but "Sleep until morning", which resulted in over 10 hours of sleep did not.

I think there's a bug with alleviating the Tired status... Say that it's 19:30 in my house, and I choose to Sleep Until Morning. That gives me 10.5 hours of sleep, yet I still had the tired status when I woke up at 06:00. However, when I chose the normal Sleep option and woke up at 03:30, the Tired status was gone.

So when you're doing the quest for Othra to find the missing acolytes and you save the one in the forest from the Nymph, does it make a difference on whether you tell her to travel or return to the temple? I personally told her to go back to the temple, and she agreed.

I think that might be the highest it can go. As long as the combined Lust for both the Warriors and Acolytes is 10 or greater, you'll get the bad ending for the Lizard Tribe.

Does winning or losing fights via lust to the hostile lizardmen randomly encountered in the swamp affect the chances of getting the Bad/Corrupted ending for the Lizard Tribe?

I found a bug where if you craft a cock ring at Hanth's forge with a full inventory but don't have a cock ring already equipped, when asked if you want to equip it and accidentally say no the cock ring is never actually given to you even though the appropriate resources are subtracted from your bag.