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A member registered Apr 09, 2020

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Je viens de finir la Demo et OMG... Mais qu'est-ce qui vas se passer?! Mais what!?? :o

Hi! I come from the Pateon where I had already asked the question, and yeah, there will be moments! you guys aren't ready, I saw some preview images of a moment which is really cute! Sorry, can't say more though. XP

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I'm sorry to hear that you have a bad relationship with your mother, but maybe it's time to discover a good mother figure. All mothers are not the same, and as the comment  below said, you are free not to get along with her during the game (this is one of the positive points of this game ^^). Also, I believe that later we will have the choice to consider a character as our father (a bit like in OL1^^). Finally, the choice to be intersex at the beginning of the game, I think it's in the biological sense. There really are people who are born with both sexes.

ok, thank you very much for your answer!^^

OMG, great! Thank you very much for your answer! I can't wait for the game to come out so Patreon here I come! but last little question, will the patreon members have access to the final version of the game when it comes out or will we still have to buy it? I hope not, I can't wait! T_T

Hello! I tried the Beta, even if I'm not very good at English, of your games and for the moment I'm completely in love with what you're doing. I'm ready to crack and join you on Patreon, but first I'll ask a question ^^. one of the things i liked the most about the beta was the relatively different point of view of the two main characters. Will this detail continue throughout the itinerary or no matter who we choose to embody there will be no big difference? I hope my question was clear and sorry for my English, I do my best even if I am a French speaker! X(

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wow! first to see the release? XD really can't wait to play it! Thanks a lot! <3

I come from Twitter and friends, I discovered that the game is not coming out this fall as we thought... and probably not even this year! Everyone, cry with me! TT

Ok, so I'll wait for the DLC to come to steam. If I encounter any other problem later I will come back. thanks!^^

thank you for replying to me! No, I am using the version that is available on Steam. I have to redownload the version here? and if so, will my save game still be available or will I have to start a new game? thanks again for the help!^^

hello, can someone help me? I have an HP pc and I'm with window, I downloaded the new DLC and I followed the steps by putting it in the "game" document. Despite everything, it does not appear in my game and it continues to tell me that it is not installed. I don't know what to do anymore T_T