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A member registered May 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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AI is still art theft, even if it is only used for backgrounds.

The game immediately crashes after the startup logos

I think found what was causing the issue, when the game is played on aspect ratios taller than 16:9 like 16:10, 3:2, and 4:3 those black bars don't go away correctly.  I use 16:10.

(5 edits)

I played the demo, although it's having an issue where black bars are covering the top and bottom of the screen in plaza and the first level.  Also would be much preferred if R2 was the hover nozzle instead of B.  Nice work so far though!

I really like what you have so far and the characters are really cute!  One thing I would improve though is the jumping seems to be a bit delayed, I think it would be better to just skip the warm up animation entirely to make the jumping feel more instant.

(3 edits)

An option to disable camera acceleration would be great, I much prefer it to be more consistent speed.

If you press start during the settings menu (while playing the game, not the main menu) the settings menu will then be stuck open.  Ideally, both the settings menu and the pause menu should close when you press start.

Is this project still active?

Yup, it was found in the same attic as catastrophe crow 64!

This is some of the best level design I've seen in an indie 2D platformer!

When playing on monitors with a taller aspect ratio than 16:9, the game gets cropped.

How do you unlock the 2nd world?

Yeah it was fun!  The dragon is very cute, and I like the unique gameplay mechanic where you can change size, I wasn't expecting that.

I accidentally yeeted the key off the map on my first playthrough

here you go!

The animation and models are great, but the gameplay could be improved.  It needs to be more clear that you can use the same item more than once, as its currently not mentioned anywhere.  After wasting a lot of time, gave up and looked up the solution, and was kinda frustrated to find out not knowing you can use the same item more than once was the thing that was hindering me.  But still, great rube goldberg machine!

This game looks pretty amazing and ambitious!  One critique I have is in v0.001.1 is the sides of some screens (like the controls list or objective/collectibles list) will be cropped off when playing on screen resolutions taller than 16:9

This game is pretty amazing and cute!  I'm a big chibi robo fan and this definitely has the feel of the original and kinda has a ps1 aesthetic.  It took me an embarrassingly long time to find out how to charge your battery from the outlets at first.  I've beat the game now, and got to 90 on my battery level.  The ending certainly was something, wasn't expecting that.  I'm also developing my own chibi robo fangame so very cool to see another one!

Apolo-cheese for the glitches we haven't fixed yet

Just to further help troubleshoot, I'm not using Safari or a Mac.  I tried running the game as a download, also tried it with Firefox. (I'm using Windows 11)  In both instances I got this error.

I can't open the game due to this error:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

I bought the $5 patreon but I cannot find the barnaby chase.

I can't play the demo because I'm getting the error "Failed to open descriptor file ../../../BillieBustUp/BillieBustUp.uproject"

I would prioritize having a linux port over having a mac port.

Yeah, we haven't programmed support for t-spins yet.  The game also currently uses pure random for selecting pieces, so we do plan on eventually implementing 7 bag.  I'm more of an artist and modeler, and currently my programmer friends are more focused on the 3D platformer.  And you didn't come off as rude, I'm pretty picky with tetris too!  You might have noticed this game is also missing wall kicks, it would be nice to eventually have them implemented too.

Thanks for the feedback!  I plan on adding remappable controls to future versions!  As for your laptop, some are fairly easy to replace the keyboard on, and fairly cheap to get a replacement keyboard on ebay.

The music sounds like it was inspired by maple leaf rag!

Is there a download link to this demo?

Hello, this is looks very cool what you have so far, but I'm experiencing a few issues; I can't enter the city level by pressing E.  I can't get past the first 3 platforms past the city level, I've tried many times but he seems to always get stuck on something in the air and then fall down between the platforms.  When I try to go back to collectables by pressing E, the game crashes.  Also can you add an option to invert the camera Y axis and maybe zoom the camera out a little bit?

levels 7,9,11,13 were the hardest in the game imo

I had no idea you could drag the gray tiles in level 11 until checking the answer

no u

This is already better than origami king

Will this be getting a PC release?

I finally beat the game, E gore actually wasn't as hard as I initially thought he was, I stated his difficultly being very hard in the google forms.  Still is fairly difficult though, you need to know where everything is after trying a few times.

I love this game!  Great unique character designs, and it really does have the banjo-kazooie feel.  The guy that chases you really is terrifying too.

This is pretty fun, and there is a lot to do and explore!  I haven't been able to figure out how to pause or save yet, are those features implemented yet?

It crashes when I try to open the exe file.

Salamanderm.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module Salamanderm.exe at 0033:02341c17.