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A member registered Jul 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Just finished playing and it was really cute ! Shoutout to everyone who worked on the game cause it's nice. The gui is adorable, the sprites and art in general are lovely. The va did a really nice job and I'm intrigued to see where the story goes ! 

Hope to be back for a day 2 update !

Tears in my eyes, This is a masterpiece

I gave my old username my bad, just updated it :}

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Hi ! I'm dreamty, a french artist who worked on 4 games and wish to join a team to help on a project whether it's for sprite art / cg / promotional art / merch art / concept art. I'm less confortable drawing sci-fi  and is okay with drawing nudity or injuries (nothing too nsfw tho)

If interessed please dm me on discord : dreamty_dream

have a nice day ! :}

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Hi ! I'm dreamty, a french artist who worked on 4 games and wish to join a team to help on a project whether it's for sprite art / cg / promotional art / merch art / concept art. I'm less confortable drawing sci-fi  and is okay with drawing nudity or injuries (nothing too nsfw tho)

If interessed please dm me on discord : dreamty_dream

have a nice day ! :}

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I was so caught up playing I didn't saved anywhere T-T 

That alright, i'll be eager to play the other endings once it's fixed ! In the meantime know I liked the game so much I ended up making a lil fanart so boop ! Have a great continuation, it's truly a really good game.

Oh my gosh the game got me in a chockehold- I didn't know what I was getting into and it turned out so much better ?! Like- I'm amazed the fourth wall breaking is good and it's trully horrific when you start to understand what is happening to Liv. I can't wait for the final version of this game because it's so good !!!! Shoutout to everyone who worked on the project because it's good !!!!!

I just have one thing to say, I got stuck at the third ending and don't know how to get out of it. I would love to get the other ones I missed T-T

My honest reaction playing unspoilered : OH MY GOD IT's GAY YEAY!!!! This was adorable ! tell the composer they cooked because the music is so good ! Just like the rest of this charming game ! 

Just finished (got the 3 endings yay ! ) and the game was in a strange way wholesome. I liked the atmosphere and getting to learn about Corey's thoughts ( many of his thoughts made me snort because they were a bit too relatable ). I also have to says that all the interactions with the friends were a mood but also sweet ( I loved Keegan) Really nice game I had a good time and everything was lovely :]

I thanked you on all the platforms imaginable but thank you friend for having played the game !

Glad they were !!! Hope you had fun with the other endings ! Thank you for playing my game :w:

Thank you so much friend !!!!

Just finished playing it and it was a really nice experience. The art is nice, the gui lovely and the interactions between MC and Azram were cute. I had a great time and the game is lovely and very cozy ! 

played, cried, had to take a walk. 

Can't put long sentences like other people do because it left me feeling a lot that I can't weight. 

Good game

I'm writting as a play and my goodness this game is itching my brain in an amazing way. The art design / musics / assets it all looks so incredible the ambiance is magnificent I love it. 

the story really has a hold on me and I'm extremmely curious where this is all going ( bonus point it's very nice to be able to get reminder of lore with important terms ).

Also Fenrir has my heart...

Wonderful game ! The extended Demo is amazing.

Can't believe this game managed to make me do calculus after 4 years of swearing to never touch it again- 

I really liked it ! Nice concept and general great ambiance. I had a good time playing and some of the facial animations are really cute ( mainly the blush ). You did a good job and the last message from the va was sweet.

I have one remark which would be that the more emotional music of the second day is louder than the previous one. Other than that really good game !!!

Hi ! I’m searching for volunteers that would feel like working on a small romance game for nanoreno. It’s about meeting someone at the bus station and slowly learning more about them while waiting for the bus ( cozy / wholesome type of story ). The project is as simple as it’s plot, If interessed contact me on discord : dreamty_dream

What’s needed : 

3 cozy musics ( intro, talking part and good ending ) 

A voice for the li Clem ( amab non binary in their 20 ) ( partial voicing so  around 25 lines ) 

commenting here to say I used assets from this pack for my game tulipe !!! A lovely pack, thanks you so much for publishing it !!!

Laughed so hard- Man everything is in the title but all the food jokes really worked on me + the art is really nice ! Good game !

Thank you so much for the comment you're a sweetheart ! I'm happy that you liked Achik as an ace person because that was the main target *gasp* djshbfsjf Glad you enjoyed it !

Hello there :D ! 

I’m currently searching someone who either know how to find good bgm or make good bgm for my game in making « Tulipe ».

Without going too deep in the details ( if interessed i can send you a link to the project’s drive ), Tulipe follow a weekend where the mc meet the main character Achik at a nightclub. Depending on your choices the two of them can platonically or romantically bond and continue the soirée at his place.
This game will explore the complexity of romantic relationships ( social pressure of being in a relationship, dealing with a broken heart, fear of trusting etc…. ) but also platonic yet intimate relationships. 

This means I’m searching for someone who can help provide musics for a heartwarming / intimate ambiance but also a night out, party like ambiance.

If you’re interested to help on the project ( even if it’s not for music help ) feel free to send me a dm on discord :  dreamty_dream

The writing entertaining, else I would have not appreciated so you can be assured the writing style is great.

 I would say because it takes too long with no big plot event and it doesn't really escalate ( like getting sad and sadder until the scene with the professor arrive  for example )  the mood goes up and down but with no real big up so you're waiting for It to happens. It's all good for setting up places / characters / maybe story element but since it drags a lot on scene that can be viewed as non important (unless it will get important later ) it feels a bit long. Nevertheless it's good to get to know Hannah as a character but by doing so it's like getting lost along the way when you walk in a park before you finally see the thing you were searching for.

If I can resume it better : There is a lot micro events happening that feels like it should be important but don't feel important until the big event arrive.

HIIII !!! Thanks you for playing my game demo and leaving a sweet comment :D

Had a really great time playing !!!

The game design is wonderful, the art lovely and in all the game experience great, you did an amazing job.
It took me some time to get into the story but when it became serious and laura appeared it was like a slap on the face ( in a good way ). 

Curious to see more that will happend :D

Very happy you enjoyed !!!! Also vampires ?! Theories ?! ;) ehe nice

Thanks you for playing the dem

Thanks you !!!! :

Hi :D I’m searching  for a gui artist for visual novel assets. 

I’m using renpy for my game apple bag ( you can find general summary and art direction for character art + bg in the link down here ) and I’m currently searching a gui artist to help design an aestheticly pleasing interface (menu, saves, boxes…)  for this jam. 

If you are interested or know someone who may be interested please contact me on discord : @dreamty_dream

down here a link to the summary doc :


I don't have twitter so a friend shared it to me and thanks youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!! That incredibly sweet !!!

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the most terriying concept of all.... unpaid night shift.

AAAAh good nows it was spooky zhdjajd i tried my best, Coconut song is a good vibe for the potential end of existence stucked in an office u_u

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thanks you ! I'm glad you enjoyed my game and that i manage to make it spooky enough ehehe.

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the game is beautiful, i'm more than impressed on how amazing it looks for a game made in 10 days. Played the two endings, Lenor I'm on your side, some murders can be excused u_u (gay, gay very gay)


This is the cuttest twist and the most interessing one i saw from the games so far xD
Good job for a 4 days game!

How dare you putting me in a moral dilema after warning me i'll be put in a morall dilema >:0

The game was great !!! Love the art direction, the voice acting was good and the plot was off good efficacity to make me doubt my action. My heart got destroyed seing the android getting pulled apart...I'm explosing this ship-

This kind of stories are usualy not my cup of tea but the way the narrative was lead made it verry interessing ! Loved the point and click interface. Great entry here.

Just finished and it was great ! Marcello is right, i suck at my job because i tought he would kill me in one of the dnfing (still tried to romance regardless u-u).

The character and background art are great ! Special mention to the pref/load screen that i tought was pretty. This is a great entry :D

just finished it and gosh it hit deep. I sadly relate a lot to jess some parts were hard to read but in a good way. This game is good and it's story is nice to read because it makes me feel less alone. Also Rena is a sweetie.

The ui design is really nice and the art is lovely !Both background and character sprite. Really nice game, thanks you for creating it.

Hope you'll have a good day. 


Played it a long time ago and decided to try again because i completly forgot about it and still is very nice !!!! 

great ambiance and design, it was well made creepy