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A member registered Jun 16, 2018

Recent community posts

Very odd little game, could use some guidance as a few things are less than obvious...

Lvl 7 does it.

I may have broken the game and gotten over 2 billion wood...

Maybe make the limiter a reduction, so it affects things less over 1e15?

Love the secret image at 1 trillion...

Wait until you work out that everything is randomly connecte

And bob wonders why no one likes him...

The angry guy flailing around helplessly is a bigly win!

Only 2 upgrades, gets slow and grindy super fast...

I hit that around 1300

Should bronze feet be +2, not +1?

Is there an upper end for each type of item?

3 dmg knives, 20 bag, 3 armor legs

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so it feels like you should focus on a single damage type, generally either radiation or explosive

I can get to about 25000 with radiation

still broken...

Would be good to know what the heck you are buying...

So, i have over 6 million planets, and the browser crashed.

The Cards bit is a little confusing at first, add a pop up warning maybe?

Add a way to "zap" coins maybe?

Also, a way to save cards could be cool too!

So, 10m20s now


Sadly cant rate, its the only one I want to rate, cause its the only fun one...

So, any chance that the timer could count in both minutes and seconds? I've got it down to 10 mins, but no clue how many seconds. MM:SS would be ideal. (if speedrunners started playing with this, they would likely want MS as well, but seconds would be nice enough)

Over in barely a minute... Kinda boring too!

Very fun, quick game...

Do wish the upgrades didnt require scrolling to access though.

Negative ores is funny...

Breaks hilariously when you have millions of blood...

Its pretty decent, cause it STACKS (which means 3rd and 4th attacks just wreck stuff)

And as long as you are healing up nicely, it allows you to get close to 100 with 2 or 3 potions)

If block created a permanent reduction (for that battle) it would be on par with heal, but as it is, its almost worthless.

Poison, is only useful in long drawn out battles, and these arent even remotely long enough...

Damage to all, is way too low to be useful, sadly. If you were planning on making parties bigger, on both ends, perhaps...

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Feels like the only viable options are +3 dmg, and healing

Is there something beyond S?

So yeah, cant register...

Atom speed kind of "breaks" when reaching 80s, and becomes actually painful (migraine inducing) at the 90s...

So, now its 100% blue only almost all of the time!

Is it really? Sometimes the best total solution is a mix of circles...

It should be doable...

So, i reached 198 clicks... but it stopped recording them?

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Almost down to 100...

Upgrades increase in cost too fast. Also overkill is a massive issue (it should only shoot enough to defeat) Multishot would be a good upgrade too (as would no-bought healing)

EXTREMELY basic, but mildly entertaining...

Sweet! Might be able to shave off just a bit.

Who knew that 10 ton tits could be a problem...

Onlyfans money should increase as your breast size increases...

it should be when corn production is under 1 (ie, when the next incubation would put production negative)