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A member registered Nov 11, 2017

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I wasn't sure about the books, but thanks for the heads up about it.

Game has a lot of potential, but it does need a bit of work in several areas.

  • From what I've seen the bow currently does nothing, as no matter the arrow type it deals no damage.
  • The bow's aiming is weird and hard to get used to since you can't adjust aim after using RMB, so you have to judge where your center is beforehand.
  • Enemies being able to ignore getting attacked to swallow you or a party member is a bit annoying, leading to most fights being based around getting a hit or two in before finishing them off from the inside after getting vored.

Bought this last night and have had a blast so far, wanted to mention a couple of things off the top of my head that stuck with me. Take everything with a grain of salt, but really kudos on such a fun little game!

  1. Bit of Feedback - The white keys I think should be changed to a different color, in some places like the cafeteria where the floor itself is white they're almost invisible at a distance even in the regular modes.
  2. Bug Report - I think if you get caught by a Student Pred whilst holding the book it disappears off the map afterwards. I had gotten caught by Bella and escaped whilst Satie was the Apex Predator, and despite retracing her steps and looking around the entire school the book was gone completely.
  3. First Wish - A toggle for third-person when playing as a Pred, maybe only active after having eaten someone so as to not give the player too big of an advantage.
  4. Second Wish - More diversity among the Prey Students, like slightly different hairstyles and hair colors to add a bit of variety to them.
  5. Third Wish - Something like a Spectator or Sandbox Mode where you can free-roam the camera or attach it to the Apex Preds, and spawn in student prey or student preds for them to eat.

And in an unrelated question are Satie and Ligeska unlockable characters too? I've so far unlocked Bella and Tulpy, but admittedly haven't gotten too far as I still need to do Satie and Ligeska's Nightmare modes along with the double pred mode.

Are there plans in the future to implement some kind of hit-stun on enemies in the future? Right now it feels better to just outright avoid them rather than fight them as every enemy except the Slime and Tiger will just hit you immediately after you hit them, and with how many hits they take you'll run out of health far faster than they will.

- Major Spoilers for newer players -

Question, but where is the resting place for the main character after escaping the angel camp and talking with everyone in both towns? They mentioned taking a day to rest and Abbess Helen gave a bag of gold to spend at the inn, but I've not seen a prompt or anything to rest up anywhere else or on the previous bench.

Something I noticed is that it seems to be an issue with the female character, the male character scene seems to work just fine.

Is one of the previous ghosts (Girlfriend) no longer accessible in the update? Completing the demo levels doesn't seem to unlock her in the freeplay or gallery?

Also in general it seems the game still has the issue from the previous demo of the ghosts really liking to roam towards the edges of the screen non-stop, which can make trying to view the fun stuff a bit difficult at times since yanking them back to the center tends to get rid of their lust.

Maybe its just me not getting it, but combat in general feels fairly unintuitive, with a lot of stances or attacks / spells sort of just being there whilst not being used all that often, or even in some cases not really making a difference at all (such as Defensive options). 

Whilst new content is appreciated and not something I'm ever gonna turn down, I do feel like combat should definitely get looked at as well, maybe taking off some of the bloat or simplifying some things here and there to make it feel a little better.