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A member registered Nov 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Someone made a video about Silent Hill fan games and they put my game in the video if anyone is interested: 

This is so much better than my Twin Peaks game lol. Absolutely LOVED this demo. Everything that Twin Peaks is, and should be, is in there from the investigation to the coffee to the dialogue options and exploration I just loved this so much. I cannot wait to play more of it. 

Thanks, I hope you get to check it out

I somehow accidentally turned the sound off and now I can't figure out how to turn it back on. What button did I press? I feel like I've hit everything on the keyboard to try to get it to turn back on. 

(1 edit)

Alright here's the video. Just fast forward all the way to the end and you'll see it. Also, sorry for calling it a Boomer Shooter. I know some people don't like that term but it is kind of how people know what kind of game it is so I used it in the title. 

Shortly after finding the chainsaw on the secret level, I encounted one of the big fat enemies in a very tight corridor. As that enemy exploded, it shot me through the floor of the game map and straight down into a dark abyss off the game map just falling and falling until I finally reset. I'll have a video to share if you need to see it in action. It should be finished tomorrow. 

Aw thanks, I appreciate that!

Thanks, I really appreciate it! I'm still working on level 2, I hope you check that out when it's finished. Leo & Windom Earle are probably going to be making appearances soon. 


None of my testing with a mouse went well at all so I don't even use it. I was going to disable it completely but I thought people might get upset so I left it in as an option but it's really not the way the game is meant to be played unfortunately. You should be able to use arrow keys to move and then CTRL to shoot and space to open doors - that's how the game was designed. I also find when I play Wolfenstein 3D (which was created in a version of this engine I'm using) I often have trouble with the mouse so it may just be a limitation of 1993 technology, I'm not sure. I don't remember ever being able to strafe in the old Wolfenstein but I could be mis-remembering. 

If you download the newest version (v2) that's available now, you should be able to turn left and right much faster than in version 1 which should hopefully eleviate your need for the mouse altogether (I assume you want to be able to turn around quicker). I sped up the ability to turn in the new version quite a bit and we can turn it up even faster than it is right now if we need to. I was getting frustrated with not being able to turn around to face enemies quickly so I sped up the turning rate. 

I'll do some more testing with a mouse and if I can somehow get it working properly, I'll be happy to change the controls to be more in line with modern shooters but I can't promise anything. I did already try it once and it didn't go well but I can try again in the newer engine. When I previously tried to get the mouse working I was in v4.62 of the engine and I'm on v5 now so it might work better now, I'm not sure. If I can figure it out, I'll make some changes to the demo and post an update. 

Thanks for playing btw, I was just trying to make a weird little fan game. I don't think anything based on a Lynch property would work if it wasn't a little weird right lol?

Space is open doors, arrow keys to move, CTRL to shoot the gun. Sorry I should have posted that on the main page. I'll update it. 

So...hearts are for your secondary do we heal then? I went through most of the first level and never saw a shred of health anywhere. 

Max Payne, Manhunt, and 25 to Life had a very snowy baby without combat