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Joseph Whitehead

A member registered Jun 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words and feedback, it's much appreciated. The weapons do have a slight pitch shift, however it may need to be increased. Weapon audio has been the main criticism I've gotten so far, so I plan on doing a total overhaul on the SFX soon to address all of that feedback. 

I will also look into your other suggestions, I did have push back on the shotgun at one point but it felt overpowered, so I will likely revisit this to try and balance it out a bit. 

I agree about slide canceling, so will look into this. 

Thanks again :) 

Hey guys, I've just released the demo for my first commercial game, MORN. I'm looking for general feedback from players to help improve the game. It's still a long way of being finished, but I think this demo (20 mins-ish, 2 levels) gives a good idea of where the game is currently heading. 

Any thoughts are much appreciated :)

Good game :) enjoyed it!

thank you :) means a lot 

Thank you : )

Thank you for playing and wishlisting, really means a lot! :)

Hi all, I've just released the demo for my new boomer shooter game MꚚRN.

MꚚRN is an old school FPS inspired by the classics. Tear your way through environments filled with unholy creatures using an arsenal of weapons and power-ups, find secret areas and never stop moving.

Levels in MꚚRN are built using 'blocks', giving the game a distinct style and more importantly, allowing you to easily create, share and play new levels whenever you want, utilising the same tools used to create the game's core campaign. This gives MꚚRN a unique level of creative accessibility and freedom.

The game will be releasing early 2025, so this demo is really aiming to gather a bunch of feedback to make the game better. 

The demo is also available on steam at: - so wishlists are much appreciated :) 

Hi, haven't had a chance to watch your video yet, will get to it after work, but I am planning on expanding the ideas of the game further. Obviously I was quite limited with how far I could take things in the 48 hour time constraints of the jam, but I have a lot of ideas and have started working on writing for the story and some of the environmental artwork. If you have any thoughts you'd like to discuss, feel free to drop me a message on twitter :)  Thanks for playing.

Hi, thanks for playing, I'm looking into expanding on this project more for a future release, but ran out of time to do anything extra within the time constraints of the jam. 

- Made in 48 Hours for Ludum Dare 53 - 

'Ouija' is a short horror experience about talking to a lost spirit through a Ouija board.

Through your conversation with the spirit, you find that they are imprisoned in purgatory by an unholy demon, who may now be coming for you...

(1 edit)

Just released my entry for Ludum Dare 52, a VHS-style 'horror' game about a killer combine harvester. Check it out at:


‘Harvest Season’ is a short horror experience inspired by B-Movie Horror films about a combine harvester that has been possessed by an evil spirit and is hungry to harvest some flesh.

Will you escape? Or will you prevail in combat in a classic Man Vs Machine battle?

How to play:

  • Navigate the corn maze and avoid the killer combine, pick-up ammo for your shotgun to fight it off or try to get as far away as possible. Find the exit or kill the combine harvester to escape.

Very impressive for your first game, 1000x better than my first few games haha. Really happy that my game inspired you to make this, we need more games set on the metro! Keep it up, looking forward to seeing what you make next. 

hi, sorry to hear that, what is the issue?

When I download from the site my Mac refuses to open it, but seems to work fine for me when downloaded installed through the app

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- Made in 48 Hours for Ludum Dare 50 for the theme 'Delay the inevitable' - 

'Park Lane' is a short PSX-style horror experience about waiting for your train late at night in a dark and lonely Park Lane station. 

When your train is inevitably delayed, you find yourself stuck in the underground with something mean and  hungry. Will you make it home? 

Check it out at:

congrats on the 2nd place! This is my highest placement so far, so pretty happy with it, previously it was a 4th place in mood. Next time we both take 1st! 

Thanks for playing, the game was made in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam, so I didn't have much time to add too many features.

Thanks for playing, the game was made in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam, so I didn't really have much time to add much/any back story 

Hi, thanks for the really detailed feedback. Completely agree with your thoughts on how the difficulty of the monster progresses, getting everything working took longer than planned so unfortunately I didn't have as much time as I'd have liked to put into balancing the game to make it more challenging/scary. Planning to revisit the game at some point and have a few ideas for this. Was thinking of maybe preventing running whilst using the giger counter or making it so the player needs to take medication to keep their radiation exposure down, which would force the player to slow down periodically. Also, your ideas about ammo being a bigger factor are great too. Ideally I would also like to move away from the 'slender-esque' gameplay loop too, maybe taking the game in more of a survival horror direction where the player has more elaborate objectives and more things to focus on. 

Thanks again for the feedback though, very helpful stuff :) 

added it to the page :) thought I already had, should be up in the banner now 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback :) I wanted to expand the gameplay a bit and make the enemy more scary/dangerous, but ran out of time.

Thanks for playing, was a stressful 48 hours but I'm happy with the result. Wish I had more time to expand the gameplay a bit though. 

Thanks for making a video, really enjoyed watching you play :) 

Thanks for playing and making a video, enjoyed it a lot! Watching videos like this are my favourite part of doing game jams. 

thanks for the feedback, this game was made singlehandedly in under 48 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam, so complexity was largely limited by time constraints. 

of course! Be sure to drop a link so I can try to tune in 


'What Swims Beneath Us.' is a short horror game made in under 48 hours for Ludum Dare 48. The player must try to get as deep as they can before they run out of oxygen or get caught by what swims beneath. When moving down, the beast will come hunting, so be careful and track the monster on your tablet, with your eyes and with your ears. 

How to play: 

  • Click to the left or right of the screen to turn. 
  • Click at the bottom of the screen to bring up/put away radar tablet. 
  • Click on the button at the front of the cage to start/stop descending.
  • The monster is attracted to the sound of the cage descending.
  • Track the monster using the tablet, your ears and your eyes. 
  • The tablet has a limited battery life, so don’t rely on it too much. 
  • Keep track of oxygen and get as deep as possible without dying.
  • Descending whilst the beast is too close or descending for too long a period of time without stopping will cause him to attack. 
  • See how deep you can get. There is no 'ending' to this game, just want to get as deep as possible before oxygen runs out. 

Thanks for playing. The game was made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare with the theme ‘Stuck in a loop,’ so the repetitive nature or the gameplay was intentional. As a player your meant to feel stuck in an endless loop, performing the same task over and over and getting into a kind of rhythm. 

Damn, sorry about the bug :( first time I've seen that one. I guess there's only so many bugs I can find and fix within the 48 hour limits of Ludum Dare. I'll be putting out a patched version to fix this issue and some other bugs at some point in the near future. Thanks for playing anyway though. 

Here you go, thanks!, strange that itch aren’t including the links at the top of the page this time. 

Thanks for playing :) enjoyed the video, 'didn't know I was gonna hit the half pipe, did ya?' was a good line 

Thanks for playing :) That's definitely not supposed to happen, and no, there's no other endings at the moment, might add some in the future though, but didn't have time to do that over the course of the 48 hour game jam. 

- Made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 47 -

Recursion is a PSX-style horror game set on a looping space station. Waking up, you have no idea where you are, however, as you walk around the ringed-ship, you quickly realise something isn't right. This space station doesn't obey the laws of physics. After walking for a while, you find a body, you're not as alone as you first thought...

Controls:   WASD - Move

Mouse - Look

Shift - Sprint

E - Interact

Left Mouse - Fire weapon

(1 edit)

Game looks good.  I feel like giving it away for free could devalue your work, when its clear that you've put a lot effort into it. Maybe consider releasing at a lower price point for early access and increasing it after final release?  As far as your dream of finding a way to make games without worrying about them being products, I've seen a few devs doing well releasing games on here for a few $$ each and also making all of their games available for no extra cost to people who support them on patreon (eg Sokpop and PuppetCombo), so that could be a potential route, although I'm not sure how viable that model really is. Also, this model seems to work better with multiple small games that only take a few weeks or months to complete, rather than larger projects like yours. 

About the Game

Just Fishing is just a game about fishing. After you're plane has crashed in the middle of the Ocean, your only means of survival is a fishing rod. From a nearby rock, you must sit and fish to pass the time and to keep yourself alive. Surprisingly, fighting for your life can actually be pretty chill. 

The game has 2 game modes to choose from:

Survival:  With a timer counting down to your demise, you must catch fish to gain more time. Each fish adds a varying amount of time, small fish offer 5 seconds, medium sized fish offer 10 and large fish awarding a whopping 20 additional seconds of sweet sweet life. 

Peaceful:  It's just fishing, but without the shoe horned timer mechanics that I added to match the theme some what. Just relax and catch some fish. 

How to play: Left click to cast your line, left click to reel it back in.  When a fish is on the hook, smash left click repeatedly to reel it in. Larger fish require more clicks and will stay on the line for less time. Pull up with the mouse to reduce the number of clicks needed. 

You can press 'R' to restart at any time and 'ESC' to exit to the main menu. 

Play at:

Be sure to check it out, and if you have also entered LD46 rate the game at

If you leave a comment on the LDJam page I'll be sure to check out and rate your game :) 

should just need to spam left click really fast when the fish is on the line. The larger the fish the more clicks it’ll take 

@Karl_Savant Hi, thanks for your interest in Undead Valley.  I'm still working on the game, however I'm  doing so alongside university, a job,  freelance work and other projects, hence development can be slow at times. I've recently been re-working the character controls (although I am not 100% sure I like the way the player controls at the moment) and am working on building up a new area on the map, as well as fixing some issues from the previous build. I'll hopefully be releasing an update by the end of the month. 

Sorry for the lack of development updates, I will make an effort to make monthly posts to update everyone on my progress from now on. Again, thanks for your interest in the game :)

Based him off of a true brexiter 

Thanks for the feedback. Will hopefully get all of these fixes made for the next build. :) 

If you make any content that is about Undead Valley please post it here. This includes, videos, streams etc. I will make sure to look at pretty much everything that's posted here, and hope to see plenty of really cool Undead Valley related content. I will also be sharing everything posted here on my twitter (@DrunkardWolf)

Hi, thanks for purchasing and supporting the game and thanks for  the detailed bug report.  Many of these bugs are currently in the process of being fixed and the next build, coming sometime within the next week brings a bunch of optimisation fixes, bug fixes and I will  add an option  to turn the rain off sometime today. 

In relation to the movement controls, I understand where you're coming from, however, I have re-worked them several times now and the current controller is the only one that feels right due to the perspective and the rotating camera. I will continue to look into other options though. 

Also, In relation to shooting the Zombies 5 times to kill them with a pistol. Again, due to the nature of the game being top down, unlike a first/third person game, there is no way for the player to hit specific body parts, meaning every shot is essential a headshot. Because of this, I decided to opt for each gun dealing a set amount of damage. The pistol takes 5 shots to kill, but more powerful guns such as the Sniper can kill in a single shot. I may work on a system that allows for some shots to have a chance of being critical, and then add a perk to increase the change of getting a crit at some point though. 

In relation to the zombie 'ghosts' killing you, I've never head of this bug, and have a feeling you're dying from blood loss. When Zombies hit you, you start to bleed, which will kill you If you don't use a bandage or a med kit. I'll look into the issue to make sure that this is the case and will also work on making it 1. more obvious when you are loosing blood and 2. Less harsh, as I do feel that the player currently bleeds out too fast. 

Also, like you said, some of the building interiors still need work. These will slowly improve as the game gets closer to its completed state. And, in relation to the bug where you clip through walls, I'm still looking for a fix to this. It won't be fixed in the next build, but I am actively working on a solution. 

Again, thanks for your support and feedback. Hope you stick around and see the game become the game become the best it can be!

- DrunkardWolf