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A member registered Dec 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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What I ended up doing is unzipping the V2.0.9 version and navigating to $R0 folder and running the uninstall Drafft application.
This worked and allowed me to register my V2.0.9, which in turn allowed me to install V2.0.10.

I ended up finding support email and we cleared this up already.. Thank you for the support and this wonderful application. !!]

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So Im trying to install Drafft 2.
The Drafft 2 installer and Drafft uninstaller not working. I keep getting can not close Drafft ... which is closed and no processes exist. 
I also tried safe mode no joy..

Windows 11

Anyone else having trouble? 

Does this Substation exist in the real world?

I'd buy it in a heart beat.. Thank you for making this!!]

Is there plans or is there a search feature for words while in a document?

(2 edits)

Ok I'll look into that. Thank you.. I still find the time line quite  helpful.
If I may ask is the branching tree thing just in the manual? I just now popped it and bought Drafft. Let's go!! So a manual read is a must. Just want to know if your talking Scripts? or Branches???

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So far I love using Drafft might be a buy real soon.
If this has been reported I'm sorry I just thought id share while it was on my mind.

So, I think if you edit something in the timeline then move to a document and edit it or read it or what not.
It deletes your last edits in time line. Gotta hit that save and edit switch to have it really stick there.
Just something that keeps getting me so I thought I would share.

Why cant we edit color and icon while we edit in timeline.. would love that..
:) If you click to highlight a folder then click it again to change the top menu you can then use add folder to add a folder outside with root. pretty sure this is how. took me forever to figure that out. and no i haven't read the manual.