Hello everyone I want to share my latest game its a basic RBMK reactor simulator based on the Blitz3d game engine.
The raccoons with long tongues are my pets raccoons its just for fun nothing more.
Hello everyone I want to share my latest game its a basic RBMK reactor simulator based on the Blitz3d game engine.
The raccoons with long tongues are my pets raccoons its just for fun nothing more.
Hi i want to share my games using this game engine. First cube game 9x https://dtkraccoon.itch.io/cube-game-9x its a multiplayer game. Section https://dtkraccoon.itch.io/the-wasteland a prototype of a single player game. And last https://dtkraccoon.itch.io/the-wasteland/devlog/736608/we-have-a-wolf-ai our demo of wolf AI. All games are for free for the retro community we like blitz3d as the engine runs on win 95 to 11!
this is a very basic AI i did make but best we have so far so its very big thing for us.
demo is available for download for free.
This is our first single player game test of a survival game it has more advanced buildings compare to our other game has hunger, thirst and hp systems. Ammo system will be coming soon. The map is randomly generated with breakable objects med kits that give random amount of hp, water and food that gives also random amount. the main thing in the test is the npcs that shoot at you can you can shoot back and the building system. Its not finished but there will be lot of new updates. Join our discord for more info and updates.
Game link.
Image of the new building system.
This is a multiplayer game for mainly for windows 95-98 but it runs on new ones up to 11 and you will join the same server. So far we had 2years of development. Install is simple just download and extract. If you will need tech support we are on Discord we have more info about the game on our google site. And some videos on my youtube channel playlist.